Total pages in book: 41
Estimated words: 37501 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 188(@200wpm)___ 150(@250wpm)___ 125(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 37501 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 188(@200wpm)___ 150(@250wpm)___ 125(@300wpm)
"Princess." Stephan places a hand on my back, recalling my attention.
I glance up to find all eyes in the room on me, varying degrees of curiosity stamped across the faces of my sisters and their mates. My cheeks heat, the urge to hide behind Stephan rising swiftly. But unlike when I was a kid, there is no judgement staring back at me, nothing that makes me feel like I'm something less than or other than. These Fae don't think I'm weird, and neither do my sisters. They just…accept me as one of them.
Gratitude wells in my chest, fierce and infinite.
"He says he'll take us," I murmur, clearing my throat. And then I glance at Damrion. "And he remembers you."
Surprise flashes in Damrion's eyes. "Remembers me?"
"I think their memories are different than ours," I explain. "He's never met you, but he has…memories of the Fae that stretch back a long time." I run my gaze over the assembled group. "A really long time."
"It's their connection to this place," Dax murmurs by way of explanation. "Or perhaps to Odin himself. They live longer, remember more, are stronger. They were one of his most powerful weapons, and we fought side by side often."
Well, that explains some of those memories, then.
"Will the warriors be okay with him here? In the village, I mean?" I ask.
"Ja," Adriel answers. "We'll make sure of it, Valkyrie. No harm will come to him here."
"Thank you," I murmur gratefully.
"My Valkyrie needs sleep," Reaper announces into the ensuing silence, placing his hand over her belly.
Abigail lights up like a firework at the sight. Rissa and Marion both smile. Even the warriors seem lighter suddenly. Once she told Reaper that she thought she was pregnant, there was no keeping it from anyone.
Within hours, he was demanding pregnancy tests be brought through the Portal for her. I may never forget the sight of Rhistel and his warriors delivering a bag overflowing with tests to him. Or the way he scooped Tori up and raced off with her to take one.
I'm happy for them. And I'm happy everyone knows. We're taking every precaution we can to protect her and the baby. I think Reaper would much prefer to wrap her in bubble wrap and hide her away, but even he knows that isn't possible. She's a Valkyrie, and we need her just as much as we need Rissa, or Abigail, or Marion.
He has drastically reduced her excursions to the Portal, however. Unless all five of us and a regiment of warriors accompany her, she doesn't go. She grumbles about it, but I don't think she minds so much. She wants their baby safe more than anything.
"Reaper," she groans softly. "I'm fine."
"Nei, little Valkyrie," he grunts. "You're tired. You barely slept."
"I wonder why," Malachi stage whispers to Adriel, earning an unrepentant grin from Reaper.
Both Abigail and Marion scowl daggers at their mates when Tori fidgets, blushing. But honestly…when you live in a house full of mated Fae, there is no hiding certain activities. And there are a lot of activities in this house.
"Everyone should get some sleep," Damrion says. "We'll leave first thing in the morning to look for the pack. In the meantime, Stephan and I will alert the warriors that they need to keep an eye out for the varulv." His eyes flash. "Once we find them, we hunt."
Ing snarls softly, his agreement with Damrion's plan clear as bells to everyone.
I'm still wide awake, anxiously pacing the confines of my small room when Stephan taps on the door nearly an hour later and then slips inside. His eyes immediately come to me, carefully checking me over.
"You should be sleeping, Valkyrie," he rumbles.
"I went to check on Ing." It's not a total lie. I did just check on Ing. He opted to bed down in front of the fire for the night. I think he'd much prefer to be outside, but until we know for sure if the varulv are turning the wolves of Valhalla, it's not a risk I'm willing to take with him. He's…my friend. One of very few I've ever had in my life. I refuse to risk him needlessly.
"He's still in front of the fire."
"He's grieving."
"So are you."
"I didn't even know Rider."
"That doesn't mean his death didn't hurt you."
"I…feel like I failed," I whisper, glancing down at the floor. "Ever since the Forsaken tried to cross through the Bifröst, the animals have been on edge. They've felt something, and it's been growing steadily. If I'd put the pieces together, maybe Ing wouldn't have lost his family."
"You aren't responsible for what happened to them, Kara."
"It feels like I am." I swallow hard, my throat burning. "I killed Rider."
"No. You saved him from a life in shackles, one chained to the Dark and the Forsaken and their evil. He didn't willingly hand his soul to the Dark for them to twist and use. It was stolen from him. You stole it back, ensured they couldn't force him to do evil, monstrous things. That isn't killing, princess. That's mercy."