Voss (Henchmen MC Next Generation #8) Read Online Jessica Gadziala

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Henchmen MC Next Generation Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76656 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 383(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

So, instead, I claimed, “Let it never be said that I am a chickenshit,” I told him, climbing up.

He followed.

“Just push it,” he demanded, face pretty much resting on my ass, as I reached the top and was met with some sort of door.

Pushing the door open, I tried to ignore the way his closeness was making need ping off my nerve endings.

“Ohhh,” I breathed out as I emerged through the door and found myself in the glass room that sat on top of the clubhouse.

I had noticed while living there that there didn’t seem to be any interior way of accessing it. I guess I’d figured it was tucked away in the president’s room or something like that.

But, no, they’d made the access through the basement. Which made sense.

If they were invaded or whatever, they had a safe place to live for a while as well as a room to watch the goings on from above.

Though, it was glass.

“DARPA glass,” Voss said, still standing on the ladder after I’d pulled myself into the space.


“The glass. It’s from DARPA,” he claimed.

“I don’t know what that means.”

“It’s a government research and development organization that supplies the military with cutting-edge shit.”

“How’d you guys get it then?” I asked.

“Lo. Hailstorm. We didn’t really ask questions from what I understand. But it can withstand fucking anything.”

“And it gives you a killer view,” I said, looking out across Navesink Bank.”

It was a dark night, no moon or stars visible under heavy cloud cover, but you could see the lights of the town.

I was distracted by looking around. Enough that I didn’t notice that Voss had climbed in the room, closed the door, and walked up behind me until I suddenly felt him yanking my panties down my legs.

As I told him back in my apartment, when I could avoid it, I didn’t wear pants. Just a long tee most of the time.

“What are you doing?” I gasped.

He didn’t answer, though.

Well, not with words anyway.

But the next thing I knew, he was down on his knees behind me, and his mouth was on my pussy from behind.

The shock of it damn near made my legs buckle.

My hands shot out, slapping into the thick glass as his tongue worked me, driving me up hard and fast as I looked out at the town, wondering if anyone could see, if anyone was looking.

Which, somehow, only made it hotter.

Not knowing.

Not caring.

Voss’s fingers thrust inside of me, turning, and stroking over my G-spot.

Between his thumbs and his fingers, it wasn’t long before the orgasm was slamming through me, making my legs shake, dragging a muffled moan out of me as I tried to press my lips together.

“You can moan,” he told me as he stood behind me, his lips on my neck. “You can scream if you want to. No one will hear but me,” he told me.

Then I was suddenly acutely aware of his hard cock pressing against my ass, then shifting between my thighs to rock against my wet cleft.

My body moved instinctively, rocking back into him, creating more of that delicious friction.

He pulled back, but only for long enough to slip on a condom before his cock was back, doing more grinding, but not giving me any relief from the need clawing through my core once again.

“Voss, fuck me,” I demanded, arching my ass up slightly, inviting him to slam inside of me.

One of those sexy little rumbling sounds moved through him at that as his hand slammed between my shoulder blades, pushing me forward.

Then his cock left my clit, sliding back, and slamming inside of me.



Dragging a ragged moan out of me.

One of his hands stayed on my hips as he started to fuck me. The other slid up my belly to tease over my breasts. Squeezing the swells, twisting my nipples, tugging them, creating a sort of white-hot pain that had my hips slamming back into him as he thrust in.

On a growl, his hand left my breast, moving to grab my other hip, then using them to slam me back into him as he thrust forward, making me feel him impossibly deep, driving me up once again.

“Fuck,” he growled, feeling my walls tighten around him.

“Don’t stop,” I begged, so close.

My thighs were shaking.

My breath felt trapped in my chest.

“Come for me,” he demanded, fucking me relentlessly to and through the orgasm as it slammed through me, making me cry out loudly, the sound echoing back in the small space.

He came right after me, his hand slamming out next to mine on the glass as he cursed out my name.

His face pressed into my shoulder afterward as we both tried to catch our breaths.

On the glass, his hand shifted over until his covered mine, fingers tightening.

“So much for gentle,” he said when he finally evened out his breathing.


