When She’s Handy – Risdaverse Short Story Read Online Ruby Dixon

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Novella, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 32
Estimated words: 29593 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 148(@200wpm)___ 118(@250wpm)___ 99(@300wpm)

He sighs and puts a hand on his hip, the other on his brow. “For kef’s sake. What do you want?”

“I just told you. I want to take you to dinner.”

“Why.” It should be a question, but he says it more like a statement. An irritated, annoyed, at-the-end-of-his-rope statement.

“Because I want to talk to you? Because I want to see how you’ve been these five years?” When his expression doesn’t change, I get a little bolder. “Because I want to sit on your face and I figured we might want to carb-load before getting to the sex?”

That makes his eyes widen. He blinks at me.

“It’s a joke,” I say gently, reaching out to touch him. “I’m just teasing you.”

He brushes off my attempt to put my fingers on his arm, and I have to admit, that hurts. “You don’t need to thank me. There’s no debt to be paid.”

“I didn’t think there was.”

“Then why are you here?”

This time I’m the one that puts my hands on my hips. “Maybe I’m attracted to you?”

He blinks, clearly not believing me.

Time for stronger tactics. Do I threaten to get naked again? Threaten to date one of his men? Threaten to show up at the barracks that the crew is staying at? But I don’t want to come across as a stalker, either. I just genuinely want to spend time with him. Talk to him. Get to know him. Fuck his brains out. It’s been five years since I’ve had sex and I can’t imagine having it with anyone but him ever again. But I’m sensing that he’s getting skittish. It’s clear that if I keep pushing it’s going to drive him away instead of toward me.

“Look,” I say in a soft voice. “It’s obvious you don’t want me here. And maybe you don’t feel what I feel. But if you go to dinner with me tonight, I promise I won’t bother you ever again, all right?”

It’s a gamble. I don’t want to give up all the scrap here—nor do I want to give him up. If I can get Brux to dinner with me, though, the rules will change. I just know it. I need to get past that hard coating to the candy center underneath.

His tail flicks back and forth as he considers my compromise. He rubs the back of his neck with one large hand—a small movement that makes hot coils of arousal float in my belly—and then gestures at me. “Fine. Dinner. Tonight. Nothing else.”

“Perfect. I’ll meet you in front of the cantina at seven local time.” I wink at him playfully. “Wear something sexy.”

His expression remains utterly deadpan.




There has to be some sort of reason I’m not thinking of as to why Melody wants to see me so desperately. Does she need credits? Could it be blackmail of some kind? Her expression is innocent enough, her face sweet and guileless, but I also know my own limitations.

I’m not charming. I’m not suave. I’m not particularly educated. Compared to the more erudite mesakkah, I’m a crude, overly broad bruiser thanks to my father’s moden blood. I’m not wealthy, and I don’t have a good family name. I don’t even have a big cock. I’m not entirely sure what she wants from me…but whatever it is, it can’t be good.

Is it revenge, possibly?

Strangely enough, that makes the most sense. Revenge for that single night five years ago. I still think about it with shame. Every moment of our time together is burned into my memory. How soft she was, how delicate. How good she felt against me…and then the moment that I realized she was nothing but bruises and protruding ribs. I’d felt like a monster because I’d taken advantage of her when she was weak. I should have known better.

If us getting together is so she can slip a knife into my gut, I can’t say I don’t deserve it.

Even so…I treat it like a real date. Once my shift is over, I return to my apartment and clean up, shaving my head freshly. I put on a clean, form-fitting tunic that shows off the impressive size of my arms, and close-fitting trou that do the same for my legs. No sense in insulting her by dressing as if I just came from work. When I emerge, several of the crew are in the common area of our barracks and they hoot and call at me, teasing. They know I’m going on a date.

They’re probably as baffled by it as I am.

This planet only has one or two streets that one could call “civilized.” After a short walk from the crew barracks, I’m in the midst of the settlement. There are a few human females wandering about, a mesakkah male with impressive horns and a custodian uniform eyeing me warily, and…no sign of Melody.


