Whispers of the Raven Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 108342 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

She gripped the sheets, then swallowed, slowly closing her eyes as he positioned the pillow beneath her lower back, forcing her pelvis to tilt forward. Firmly slapping her thighs apart, she sat up off the bed and punched him in the chest—a reflex to something she couldn’t see, an invisible entity she felt the need to fight.

She swung a second time, and he caught her wrist mid-blow. She opened her eyes, rage merging with lust. There was something about him… about the way he kissed her… touched her.

Made her feel… weak for him.

He said so much with those bright silver eyes of his. Shoving her arms back on the mattress, he pressed his weight down on her and lavished her face with kisses. She looked up at the ceiling, her pulses spiraling. Nothing but pure muscle touched her. Concrete. Brick. He felt like an iron fortress with one way in, but no way out.

He kissed her, leaving her throat clawing for its next breath as her adrenaline ran wild. She clung to him when he released her lips, then yanked on his hair before letting out a hoarse scream of desire. Her emotions a ball of confusion, she fought her longing and need for him. But then he silenced her with another kiss, and a loose clutch around her throat. Though he still had on his underwear, his state of arousal was clear. His dick felt long and hard, pressing needily into her zone.

When he rose slowly onto his knees, freeing her, she gazed at his tented underwear, and she could see a dark circle where the head of his cock was—her own wetness had kissed the material there.

He slipped his thumbs around the elastic band as she eyed him and slid them off, casting them onto the floor. The long, veiny dick was so thick that she couldn’t resist salivating at the sight. It turned ever so slightly to the left, and the head was a deeper hue. From the slit seeped clear droplets of arousal. She squirmed when he placed his hand against her garden. He stroked her gently, the pads of his fingers playing with her folds, caressing her love with grace and tenderness.

Rihanna’s, ‘Kiss it Better’ drifted from the radio speakers and filled the room as he dragged his fingers down her legs from her inner thighs with a feathery touch. Their gazes connected. It was like he knew everything she desired, and exactly what her body needed. He understood her momentary fight within herself, and he respected it.

“Soft…” He broke his long silence. “Your skin… it feels like the flesh of a mango…” He bent down, his eyes still on hers, and placed a delicate kiss on her inner thigh. “Tastes sweet, too.”

Pulling back, he faceplanted against her pussy. His harsh breathing made her hot at the core, the sensations radiating through her body. She felt alert and electrified. Nails dragging along her hips, he engulfed her. Submerged in her ocean. She writhed and rose to grip the back of his head and plunge him deeper into the aquatic chasm. Wrapping her legs around his neck, she held him in place as he shook his face back and forth against her pussy, his mouth open, his tongue jetting all over her creases and stopping to suck her clit…

The sloshing sounds of her saturated love against his lips, his deep groans, the way he dug his fingers into her flesh and allowed her to have her way sent her reeling. She sprang against him and gasped, an orgasm emitting from her creamy center, flooding his face. She shook beneath him, unable to hold on… unable to form a complete thought or breathe a silent prayer. She rested in twitching peace, amid the sweet throbbing of an orgasm well done, but then gurgled when she felt his hand around her neck, snatching her out of her afterglow.

She managed to blink as he roughly dragged her up toward the headboard, his eyes flashing and paired with a nasty smirk. He released her then, leaving her burning all over for him, vying for sweet relief. Then he gripped her neck again, lifting her from the bed like some rag doll, and kissed her hard before tossing her back down. She smacked him across the face, and he barely budged. Instead, he offered a horrible smile.

Her pussy pulsed in excitement as he reached between her legs. Cupped and squeezed it hard. She pressed her back against the headboard, jostling up and down as he inserted a thick, long finger inside of her. He stroked her nice and easy, then slid it out of her and placed it inside her mouth.

She tasted her juices, swallowed them. Panting for his next surprise. When he smothered her lips, she tasted more sweetness. A moan escaped her lips when he diverted his attention to her breasts, pressing the nipples gently, tasting them with the tip of his tongue. He looked into her eyes as he nursed from her titties, the nipples marble hard. Cupping, massaging, kissing and sucking them feverishly. That feathery feeling built within her once again.


