Whispers of the Raven Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 108342 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

“…Nah, I’m not into that scary stuff anymore because I see it in real life.” She tsked. “I used to love horror movies as a kid, but now I’m burnt out. Real life is the real horror. Life itself is sometimes a shitshow. No script, lights, cameras or action required.”

He nodded in understanding. When he brushed against her as he reached past to grab the dish soap, her body burned. He smells so damn good… He offered her an impish smile as he ran the plate under the hot water, then cleaned it with the sudsy side of the yellow sponge.

“You like showers or baths better?” His eyes darkened as he asked the question with a dangerously flirty smile.

“Depends on my mood.” She smiled right back as she let him finish the chore, lifting her wine glass and draining it.

He took a step toward her. She took a step back. A teasing dance.

“Well, what are you in the mood for tonight?” He slicked his tongue along his lower lip, getting closer until his chest was flush with hers. He took the glass out of her hand, set it on the counter, and dared her to move away with a mere look. She closed her eyes as he cupped the back of her neck and drew her in for a kiss.

Chris Brown’s, ‘Call Me Every Day’ drifted out of the speakers now.

“A bath…”

He wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her like precious cargo. She fell into his embrace, draping her legs and arms around him as he kissed her, then he walked them right to her modern gray and white bathroom with royal blue accents while she held tight to him. Her white rectangular bathtub sat in the middle of the room, and there was a large stained-glass window, too, which allowed both light and modesty.

“Sit down,” he ordered.

She sat on a small, pillowed silver and white chair by the vanity that she used some mornings to do her hair. He moved with purpose, as if he’d been there a million times before. He lit her two candles, then started the water and poured her strawberries and champagne bubble bath in the tub, after which he tossed in a small gold bath bomb.

She couldn’t help but smile as he fluffed out the white fuzzy rug by the basin, then dimmed the lights. The candles reflected in the wall-width mirror. He removed his phone from his pocket and fiddled with it. Moments later, Brent Faiyaz’s, ‘All Mine’ started to play. He turned to her, a sexy darkness in his eyes as he began to slowly unbutton his shirt, then the rest of his clothing until he was completely naked. Wetness crept between her thighs—droplets of lust. She slipped the tip of her tongue across her upper lip, tasting the saltiness of her sweat as her body temperature rose. He smiled down at her.

Her gaze followed his contorting muscles… The veins pulsing in his arms… tattoos covering his skin like a second flesh. His light eyes glowed like a cat’s in the darkness, thrilling and scaring her at the same time. Reaching for her own shirt, she pulled it up over her head and discarded it on the floor. But as she was temporarily blinded by the material cascading over her face, he kneeled before her, tugging at her pants. In a matter of seconds they were off of her body, then her panties followed. ‘Love Changes,’ by Mother’s Finest, provided the soundtrack to his seduction.

“…Uh… God…” She leaned against the wall as he buried his face between her thighs, sucking her love hard and slow. It sounded as if he was eating the juiciest of fruit in the land, and she dripped honey as he made his mouth and tongue move in ways she didn’t even know were possible. “…Oh my God… that feels so good!” She buried her fingers in his hair as he held her hips, sucking, licking, and drinking from her feminine fountain. Then he paused, and looked up at her, the flickering candles dancing on his skin.

“So glad you like how I eat your pussy, baby. I just want to please you…”

He went back to work, this time flicking his tongue against her clit as he reached up and rubbed her breasts, working her nipples into hardened buds. ‘I Just Wanna Be Your Girl,’ by Chapter 8, featuring Anita Baker debuted. She slid against the basin, barely holding on as he made a meal of her. An incredible heat and delicious sensation rose from her core and flowed throughout her body until she slipped from the grasp of sanity.

She could hear her orgasmic screams echoing in her own ears… heart pounding… limbs loose… toes taut. He lifted her up and she pressed her eyes shut as she clung to his warm body, his lips still on her garden. Thighs wrapped around his face, it felt as if she was a part of his body. Perhaps she was a part of his soul, too.


