Whispers of the Raven Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Forbidden Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 108342 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 542(@200wpm)___ 433(@250wpm)___ 361(@300wpm)

She rolled to the right side of her desk, the wheels of her green leather chair sliding fast, then halting on a dime to seize another folder. Flipping it open, she looked at the photos she’d taken of Ethan two days earlier. She was traveling in a rental car, her hair tucked under a cap—undercover. The sort of thing she typically did as a PI while staking out an area, or running surveillance. It became clear rather quickly that he was dating a woman. A lady who looked very similar to the one in a specific photo. The young lady had long dark brown hair, fair skin and freckles. Her lips were full, and her eyes slanted and dark. Tall and sinewy with a model type body.

She’d watched them kissing in his car, his fingers meandering under her shirt as he pushed her against the passenger’s side window and had a fast and furious make-out session. It was a wonder the windows didn’t fog up from the steaminess of their encounter. They then stopped abruptly, raced out of the car and into the apartment, his hands already inelegantly trying to get his belt off before he disappeared from sight.

Another time she followed them and saw them enter a fancy restaurant for brunch. He looked like what he had the potential to be: a movie star, and acted like a total gentleman—holding the door open for her, smiling at the staff, and looking adoringly into her eyes.

Looks like the same girl in one of the torn-up photos from his trash. That means they were together a long while ago, but when I saw them recently, they were behaving like newlyweds. I bet this is someone he is on and off with. She’s not the ex-girlfriend from college, but they definitely look similar. He has a type.

She slid back over to the left side of her desk and looked at her computer. The file was finished. She quickly opened it and slid on her reading glasses, feeling as if her quiescent faculties had renewed themselves. She bit her lip to stifle a squeal of elation as she read line by line, looked closely at the enclosed x-rays, and zoomed in on the black and white medical photos. Her prayers had been answered.

“This is it! This is the break I’ve been looking for!”

She took another sip of coffee, then opened her contacts. ‘Cool Cat,’ by Queen, was playing as she began typing her email.

Captain White,

After interviewing the Medical Examiner, going over the extensive crime scene photos, toxicology reports, and autopsies provided by his department, as well as looking closely at the Medical Examiner’s photos of one of the victims who possessed an unusual coloration and pattern on the right side of his lower neck, I believe we may finally have a link to the murderer of the Old Orchard Beach slayings. [Beach Slayer/OOB Strangler] – internal covert name of serial killer. (No blood type currently available.)

Though no DNA may be noted or recorded in current or past reports, including this one concerning victim #1, per your department and past and present forensic report findings, I am submitting this new evidence. We’ve had a discontinuation of new homicides that match the profile and markers of the prior homicides that hindered an adequate comparison of any new genetic or pathological material. However, we do now have what I safely conclude to be a partial dental print, based on my findings which are now corroborated with medical evidence.

Though I’m not the coroner or medical examiner, I have had extensive experience in forensics. I sent my hypothesis over to the distinguished forensic scientist, Martha Dwight, of Boston University, who concluded that the suspected partial bite mark is in fact that of a human male, guesstimated maturity of between 25-40 years of age. A 3-D model was created from the photographic evidence provided to draw that termination. Dr. Dwight concluded that the bite looks to be in fact that of the 2nd upper molar, 3rd upper molar, 1st bicuspid, and 2nd bicuspid. There was partial erosion on the 2nd lower molar, suggesting that the dental work, which included surgical measures, was incomplete, variable craftsmanship, or on-going.

The report goes into much depth and detail backing these findings with a 93% accuracy rate. What were initially thought of as ligature marks along the neck of victim #1 are indeed humanoid bite marks. However, there appears to be a slight seam or indention in the sample, lending the assumption that the perpetrator wears veneers, or perhaps at the time of the assault and possibly even now, wears Invisalign braces. The initial findings by the Medical Examiner were an easy error to occur, due to the fact that it’s not a dense or deep mark, did not completely break the skin, and the healing process continued a short while even after post-mortem until blood flow ceased completely in the victim.


