Wicked and Wild – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83353 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

There was an angry howl and suddenly the burning red eyes were all the way across the room, glaring at the warrior.

“This isn’t over!” it hissed. “I have claimed the girl as my own—her body belongs to me! Her soul belongs to me!”

“You have no claim on her, you fucker!” the warrior growled. “Back to the Pit where you belong! This female is innocent—you cannot have her!”

He stabbed forward again and there was an unearthly howl from the Dark Entity. Then the burning red eyes rushed through the wall of Hanna’s bedroom as it finally ran away.

The warrior seemed about to go after it, but Hanna held out a hand to him.

“Please!” she gasped, her words choked with tears. “Please, I…I don’t know who you are, but don’t leave me!”

The warrior looked indecisive.

“The demon is wounded,” he pointed out. “If I can catch it before it leaves the Mother Ship, I might be able to finish it off.”

But all Hanna could think about was being alone in the room—alone and vulnerable and helpless.

“What if it comes back for me?” she cried. “Please—don’t leave!” Then she dissolved into sobs of terror and couldn’t say any more.

The warrior sheathed his sword and came back to her at once. Sitting down on the bed beside her, he put a warm, comforting arm around Hanna’s shaking shoulders.

She leaned against him, unable to do anything for a long time but sob and shake as she struggled to hold onto her sanity.

The Dark Entity was gone…but for how long? And what would she do the next time it came for her?

There were no answers—only tears.



Wraith’s heart fisted in his chest as he cradled the little Elite against his side. She felt so fragile, curled against him. It had been well over a century since he’d held a female and he had forgotten how small and breakable they were. He wanted to comfort her but he wanted to be careful with her as well, so he simply held her while she cried and didn’t say anything.

At last, she looked up at him with wet eyes. Her long lashes were matted with tears and her eyes were huge and filled with emotion.

“It…it would have killed me,” she somehow managed to get out. “It said it would…would rape me and…and eat me at the…at the same time!”

Wraith felt sick with anger for her. The poor little female! He wanted to comfort her, but he wasn’t sure how to do that, so he said the only thing he could think of.

“The demon won’t touch you again,” he told her. “I swear it, Hanna—I give you my Oath as a Kindred warrior—I won’t let him near you again!”

“Who…who are you?” She managed to get out. “Are you watching over me for some reason?”

“I guess in a way,” Wraith said hesitantly. “I noticed you in the Docking Bay and I saw you noticing me. I mean—you were able to see me. That hasn’t happened in a long time.”

“You’re a ghost, right?” she asked, looking up at him. “A spirit who got left behind?”

Wraith nodded.

“That’s right and you’re the only one who’s ever been able to see me.” He shook his head. “This is the first conversation I’ve had in over a century.”

Her eyes widened.

“I’m sorry you’ve been trapped for so long. My sister—she has a Gift like mine, but hers is more practical. She’s really good at guiding lost spirits to the afterlife. Maybe she could help you find the way home.”

“I’m not going anywhere as long as you’re in danger,” Wraith said firmly. “Didn’t I just give you my Oath to protect you?”

“But…you don’t even know me,” she pointed out.

“No, but I’d like to.” She was still leaning against him with his arm around her shoulder, so Wraith gave her a gentle squeeze. “Who are you?” he asked. “And how long have you been able to see people like me?”

“You already seem to know my name—Hanna,” she pointed out. “Were you eavesdropping on me?”

“If you mean was I watching you—yes I was,” Wraith admitted. “I wanted to know more about you. As I said, you’re the first person who’s been able to see me in over a century. That made me curious about you.”

She nibbled her lush lower lip.

“I guess I can see that,” she said at last, nodding.

“I’m Wraith, by the way,” Wraith said. “It only seems fair that you know my name since I know yours.”

“Nice to meet you, Wraith.” She let out a shaky laugh that was more than a half sob. “Not that this is exactly a typical introduction—you saving me from a demon.”

“I’m glad I was close enough to hear your cries,” he said seriously.

“I am too. Really glad.”

She shifted in his arms and looked down at herself. There was a large rip in the front of her nightdress which showed the creamy inner curves of her breasts. Wraith had noticed it of course, but he’d been concentrating on comforting her—he couldn’t feel much desire when she was so distraught.


