Wild Ride – Wild Brothers Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Forbidden, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36673 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)

“The Feather Your Nest, of course.” Our town may be small, but we have a lot to do here—vintage shopping, boutiques, nature parks, restaurants, and there’s even a bar. “Followed by Peach Pie?” I could really go for a buffalo chicken pizza and a Cesar salad. Yes, I’m the weirdo who eats vegetables with greasy carbohydrate meals. Sue me; it’s called balance.

“I’m in,” Madelyn replies. I look down at my wardrobe of choice and run my fingers through my hair. It’s a knotted mess, and it looks like I’ll be keeping it up for the time being.

“Sounds good to me.”

“I’ll be there in thirty. Can you be ready in that time frame?” she teases me. Yes, it takes me awhile to get ready. Blame it on my penchant for getting sidetracked. I’ll start getting dressed, move into the kitchen, wash dishes, go back to getting ready in the way of makeup, then repeat the process, only this time, it’ll be another mundane task like making my bed. Finally, after a lot longer than I’d care to admit, I’m ready.

“Umm, maybe?” I reply in more of a question.

“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter how long you take. Asher is working, and I have the afternoon free. Which, by the way, how are you managing to sneak away today?” Don’t think about it, Delilah, do not think about it, I tell myself over and over again. It’s not what you think. I will wholeheartedly spill my guts the minute we are alone and no one else is around. What I’m thinking about has butterflies swirling around in my stomach. It’s the potential at seeing Fletcher while I’m in town.

“I’m starving, on the verge of gnawing my arm off and tempted to wear what I have on. Plus, I managed to work for five hours straight without any interruptions.” My headphones were in, and I was jamming out to my moody playlist.

“Well, then, I guess we’ll find out if you can actually meet me in thirty minutes. In case you didn’t know already, I love you, ratty clothes and all.” Madelyn laughs.

“Very funny.” I laugh and hit the end button. I’m about to make my best friend eat her words.

Chapter 8


I’d recognize her car anywhere. Pizza wasn’t on my radar after my shift, but it sure as hell is now. I was going to hit up Peaches, the local diner in town, but veered off away from my path I saw Delilah’s bright red coupé parked out front of Peach Pie. I was parked and out of my truck faster than I cared to admit. Keeping this shit quiet is going to be harder than I initially thought. My eyes lock on Delilah’s back, and when I see she’s with my brother Asher’s woman, Madelyn, I walk toward the two of them.

“Hey, Fletch,” Madelyn greets before I reach the table. Delilah looks over her shoulder and stares right at me. Yep, this shit isn’t going to last. Either I’m going to have to buck the fuck up and be a man, or Chief Taylor is going to find out before we’re ready.

“Hi, Madelyn, Delilah.” The woman who’s got me all kinds of screwed up smiles sweetly at me.

“Hey, Fletcher.” Her soft voice hits me in the gut and dick.

“I was just heading out. I’ll ask Asher about you borrowing his truck. I’m sure he’ll tell me no and do it himself instead.” Madelyn stands up from her seat, puts a twenty-dollar bill down, and moves toward Delilah.

“Thanks, I appreciate it. See you soon.” The girls hug, and I wait patiently while they finish up their silent conversation. There are a bunch of head nods, a wink comes from Delilah, and Madelyn laughs. The whole time, I’m an outsider looking in. It’s fucking amazing to watch unfold.

“Later,” Madelyn says, nodding to me before walking away.

“What was that all about?” I ask, taking my seat across from Delilah. She cocks her head to the side. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m showing my hand by sitting with her in public or about the conversation involving using my brother’s truck for my damn woman.

“Care to elaborate?” Delilah follows up with a question of her own.

“Never been around two girls who are friends much; had brothers growing up. I’m not interested in what the two of you said without saying anything. What furniture do you need moved, and why would you go to Asher instead of me?” I rest my forearms on the table in front of us. Madelyn may have been done eating, but it looks like Delilah barely made a dent. She shrugs her shoulder and pushes her food toward me. “Delilah,” I push her to respond.

“I’m full. I was starving when we got here, we ordered appetizers, and I thought I needed to follow it up with a medium pizza and a medium salad. Please, help me finish it. As for the furniture, Mad’s offered.”


