Zale’s Little Girl – Solider Daddies Read Online Pepper North

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 44932 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 225(@200wpm)___ 180(@250wpm)___ 150(@300wpm)

After gorgeous army medic Zale Reynolds saves Pippa Twinner from a kidnapper, he doesn’t just bring her home with him and make it his business to take care of her. He makes her call him daddy too.
Though she blushes crimson as her ruggedly handsome rescuer bathes her, puts her to bed, and takes her temperature the old-fashioned way, Pippa cherishes his loving attention, and when he takes her over his knee and spanks her bare bottom, she doesn’t just promise to be a very good girl for her new daddy.
She comes really hard for him too.

Publisher’s Note: Zale’s Little Girl is a stand-alone novel which is the seventh entry in the Soldier Daddies series. It includes spankings, sexual scenes, and age play. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.

*************FULL BOOK START HERE*************


Zale slid into his Jeep and started the engine. The team’s early morning training run was the toughest to motivate himself for on Monday morning. Leaving his house at four a.m. was a normal time for him, but at the beginning of the week, it felt brutal. He rubbed his hand over his military short hair and yawned before shifting into reverse and backing out of the driveway.

One glance in the mirror erased any lingering sleepiness. Flashing lights reflected to the right. It looked like they were coming from a couple of blocks away. Zale grabbed his phone from the cup holder and sent Caden a voice message as he navigated toward whatever was happening.

Emergency vehicles in my neighborhood. Stopping to help.

A lot of his neighbors worked at the base—both as military and civilian employees. He hoped it wasn’t anything too serious. As he turned the corner, he spotted it. Two vehicles had collided. How had he not heard the impact? Had he been in the shower, trying to drown himself in cold water to wake up?

Parking the Jeep on the shoulder, Zale raced over to the accident. The military police officers on the scene were trying to deal with the traffic as well as check out the passengers in the cars. He shouted to identify himself.

“Zale Reynolds. Medic from the base. I’ll check out those in the black car.”

“Thanks! Ambulances should be here shortly,” one MP called and waved him on.

Zale jogged to the vehicle, studying it for damage. That would help him check for injuries. The black sports car had run into the back of the van ahead of it. He’d leave who was at fault to the investigators. Zale focused on the driver pinned back against his seat by the airbag. He didn’t recognize the man in civilian clothes. Pressing his fingers to the man’s throat, Zale felt a strong pulse.

That was a good sign. Looking past the driver, he immediately darted around the car. The passenger’s airbag had deployed as well, but no one occupied that seat. As he rounded the back, Zale noted the passenger door was open.

A white object caught his eye. He picked up a tattered piece of a cloth from the passenger seat. Catching a whiff of perfume, he lifted it to his nose. Roses. Disoriented people could wander from the scene. He scanned the woods off the side of the road and didn’t see anyone.

He turned to head back to the driver when he saw something yellow by the back wheel. Zale picked it up and stared at the zip tie speckled by what appeared to be blood. What was going on here?

The driver’s groan made him continue back to that side of the car. He started to lay the objects on the roof, but the wind threatened to blow them away. Zale stuffed the two items into his back pocket. He’d deal with them later.

“Hey! We’re missing a passenger here,” he called to the military police as an ambulance rolled up.

Zale stayed with the driver until the paramedics reached the vehicle. When they had started assessing the man, he ran to the officer, who seemed in charge. “Did you find another injured person?”

“Just the woman in the passenger van and the guy in the sports car.”

“I think someone else was in his car. The door was open and…” Just as he reached for the items in his pocket, the man yelled.

“Where is she? That fucking bitch is more trouble than she’s worth.”

As the paramedics tried to calm him down, Zale met the officer’s gaze. He pulled the items he’d found from his pocket. “I found this by the car. Something isn’t right here.”

“We need to search the area. I’ll put an officer with him. Can you make a preliminary run over the area? Try not to mess with any other evidence,” the officer said as he grabbed a plastic bag from his car. “Got your ID?”

Zale pulled it from his wallet and held it up for the officer to take a photo. As soon as he had a clear picture, Zale took off for the forest line. It hadn’t rained for over a week, leaving the ground hard. He didn’t try to track footprints. He searched for bent or broken tree limbs.

There! Zale ducked into the woods and scanned the area. He listened for any movement and heard nothing over the hubbub of activity at the accident scene.

“Hey. It’s okay now. I’m here to help you. That guy’s going to the hospital. They’ll keep him there for a while. But if you’re hiding from him, I can get you safely to the authorities.”

A slight rustle of leaves made him turn to the right. He focused that way and tried again. “I can get you to safety. You don’t want to stay here. He’ll come back when they release him.”


