Zane and Tanya – Hot Alpha Alien Husbands Read online D.D. Prince

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 142
Estimated words: 134725 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 674(@200wpm)___ 539(@250wpm)___ 449(@300wpm)

Zane had roared at his son that Ollie should have brought the concern, what he’d overheard, directly to Zane himself. Or his grandfather if he couldn’t get to his father. And had further decreed that despite his friendship with Daylin, Marko was too old to spend that much time with Ollie and was banned from their home, from their pool despite that Zane knew the boy had talents to be a champion speed swimmer. His grandfather could build him his own fucking pool. He was still ready to tear heads off when his phone rang during his trip back to his home.

“Father?” he greeted sharply. If his father hadn’t assured he’d be there and call the minute she woke, he’d never have left. He’d have paced a hole in the carpet instead.

“She’s woken. Her fever is down significantly.”

“I’ll be twenty minutes.”

“Right. Zane?”


“She referred to the razzleberry juice as ‘throat warming juice’.”

She was in a strange place. She didn’t ask questions about the heat in her throat from the juice he kept insisting she drink and that was likely due to taking in all that was around her. All the new things, thinking it was just a strange beverage that made her throat go warm.

His mind flashed to remembering her grabbing for her throat several times in the past three days. It never occurred to him that it was anything.

“Fuck.” He ended the call and threw the device to the floor and growled.


He moved into his bedroom, his anger still razor sharp, until his eyes feasted upon the contents of his bed. His father was sitting, ever watchful, in the chair by the window and his son was asleep, his head on the left side of Tanya’s chest. Chili was also asleep on Tanya, curled into a small ball on the right side of her chest, his head inside the opening to the shirt of Zane’s that he’d thrown on her when calling for emergency medical assistance. Her skin was no longer out in hives, though her skin tone was pale. And she looked angelic, her cheek resting against the top of Ollie’s head.

He loved her. He loved every freckle on that nose. He loved that she was his and had only ever been his. He loved that his son now had a loving and caring female presence in his life who Zane wholeheartedly believed would be an excellent mother.

“Call Dr. Knox when you can. Nothing new other than taking her vitals and confirming she’s on the mend. Take those vitals each morning or if you suspect she’s not well and give her that medication twice more, every four hours and then call the doctor with her stats for further direction.”

“Thanks, Father.”

“Can we discuss Joran for just thirty seconds, Zane?”

“What is it?”

“He’s again accessed funds, steadily using them as he needs them, nothing covert or secretive about it, simply spending. I can either halt his access to his wealth so that he might be forced to get in touch, or I can watch his movements and use that information so that I can track and travel to where he is and approach him. What do you think is the best approach?”

Zane took a big breath. “Can I think on that when I’ve had time to marinate with it? My priority right now is---”

“Your wife. Of course. Not a rush. I can see where he’s spending his money. I haven’t notified the authorities. I wanted your opinion.”

“When is the last time and location?”

“Yesterday, edge of the capital region, approaching the mountains region so he hasn’t gone far yet.”

I’ll think on it and we can talk tomorrow.”


“Unless there’s more you need to discuss?” Zane added.

“No. It can wait,” his father said, and Ollie Zenith wasn’t a cold-hearted man, and yet Zane saw an edge of iciness in his father’s eyes. How could there not be? Joran was alive and hadn’t been in touch with them. The Zenith men had always been tight, so it stung.

“How was she when she woke?” he asked his father.

The ice in Zane’s father’s eyes melted at the mention of Tanya.

“She was sweet to Ollie. Tried to ease his guilt. And she asked for you.”

Zane felt his own iciness melt a little more.

“Talk tomorrow, son,” Ollie Sr. said. “Want me to put him to bed on my way out?”

“Please and thanks.”

Ollie Sr. extracted his grandson carefully from Tanya and the wee boy did not rouse at all. Zane was grateful his son was a deep sleeper. He hoped the boy would sleep through the night and they wouldn’t have to resume discussions and consequences until the morning.

“Congratulations on your marriage, son,” Zane’s father said as he left the room. “An excellent addition to our family. Truly.”

“Thank you.” Zane’s chest felt tight as he let emotions wash over him from his father’s words. He lifted a sleeping Chili off Tanya’s chest with the intent to put him in his crate, which was on the dining table not far from the bed. The animal opened one eye and yawned and then pushed himself up in Zane’s hand to look into Zane’s eyes. He opened the crate door.


