A Ship of Bones & Teeth Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 144411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)

“I need you to help me forget, luv,” he says, his fingers pressing into my skin as he stares up at me. “I need you to be with me like this.”

I feel completely on display riding him but for once he’s entirely nude as well. I take a moment to rake my eyes over his body, his smooth skin a light gold and without flaw, I suppose due to the fact that his skin doesn’t scar. His muscles are well-honed and taut and he vibrates with strength and virility. There’s scattering of hair at his chest, then down a narrow path over his tight abdomen to where it gathers at the base of his cock.

He does the same to me, staring at me with reverence as his heated gaze drinks me in, wordless and rapt.

Then he picks me up and moves me over his shaft and shoves up into me and he’s so thick, so stiff and immovable, that I feel the breath being pushed out of my lungs.

“Look at you, you miracle of a creature,” he murmurs, his brogue getting thick. “Look at how you take me so well, how well you ride my cock.”

My back arches, thighs trembling already, and I feel him so deeply that I can’t even think straight.

“I need to take from you right now,” he says, his nostrils flaring as he raises my hips up with the thrust of his. “And I need you to give. Can you do that for me, luv?”

I nod, closing my eyes. He doesn’t realize that as much as I’m giving, I’m taking too. I concentrate on the movement of my hips, letting him guide me where he wants me, gasping with pleasure every time the root of his shaft slides against my most sensitive area.

He adjusts himself for a moment and then his cock goes in deeper, pressing against some aching part inside of me that I didn’t know existed.

I let out a thin sound of need, stretched to the breaking point.

I want so much of him, too much, the feeling like a vice around my heart.

My hips start moving in small circles above him as he thrusts up, my legs shaking as I start to increase the pace. He moves his hands to my hips and holds me tight, keeping me in place.

“I won’t last too long if you keep doing that, luv,” he warns.

Then he’s suddenly pulling me off of him and flipping me so that I’m on my back underneath him. He grins at me before kissing me deeply with a searching tongue as he spreads my legs with one hand and pushes his length back inside me, somehow thicker than before.

I let out a harsh moan, relishing the feeling of his hard, heavy weight on top of me, the feeling of hot skin pressed against hot skin. I reach up and feel along the muscles of his rock-hard arms, his broad shoulders, his taut back, always wanting to touch him this way, explore the smooth and rigid planes of his skin. His body is just as magnificent to feel as it is to see.

“Keep touching me,” he whispers, nibbling along my jaw, then down my neck. “Keep your hands on me, luv, I’ve been dying to be worshipped by you.”

I do as he says, my palms coasting over every part of him, especially enjoying the feel of his rear, the tight firm muscles flexing under my touch as he uses them to keep plowing into me. Damp with sweat, he grunts with every hard shove, every circular jab of his hips making the bed creak beneath us. His arms are flexed, mouth open slightly as he stares down at where his cock disappears inside me. I do the same for a moment, mesmerized at the sight, of how thick he is, how tight I feel, the slick sound of our meeting filling the room. I feel like we’re animals in heat, and perhaps that’s not too far off base when it comes to creatures like us.

Then he pulls out with a grunt and I’m gasping, feeling bereft and hollow and aching without him, and he quickly rolls to the side and thrusts back inside me. He reaches down and hooks his arm under my thigh and starts fucking me hard from behind as we both lie on our sides.

He brings one of his hands to his mouth where he spits on his fingers before reaching down and placing it on my clitoris, even though I’m already drenched enough. While he gives my swollen slick skin a hard pass with his fingers, circling and circling, his other goes to my breasts where he pinches my nipples until I’m crying out.

“Oh, cearban,” he gasps into my neck. “You sound like you want more, you greedy little creature. Come for me, my luv.”


