A Ship of Bones & Teeth Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 144411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)



“Sedge,” I say as I stand in the entrance to the galley. “Could I get two mugs of coffee?”

He gives me an amiable smile and nods, putting the kettle on the flames. Even though Sedge doesn’t speak, I enjoy coming down to the galley and talking to him. It’s not just that he’s a good listener, although I have noticed his mind wanders a bit, but I understand him. He may not vocalize words as language but there is a language he communicates with and that I think most of the crew know how to read at an innate level.

“Are you doing alright?” I ask, even though I’ve asked him this a lot over the last few days. We’ve all been traumatized, and though he is back to normal in the sense that the curse was reversed, what he witnessed with regards to Henry was horrific, not to mention how he might feel about blasting another man in the face with a gun. Granted, he knows how the Brethren are and that he probably didn’t kill Ed Smith, but even so it had to have been a gruesome sight.

He nods again, giving me a quick, reassuring smile. Yep, he seems to be saying. No worse than the last time you asked me that.

I take that as a hint to stop asking.

“Can I tell you a secret?” I then say. “Even though I know you’ve probably made some guesses already since we were held together on the cursed ship.”

He nods eagerly as he puts the beans in the grinder and turns the handle.

I look around the galley. It’s quiet and I know it’s just the two of us here.

“I’m not one of the Brethren,” I begin quietly. “But I’m not a human like you either. I’m actually a Syren, or a mermaid, as you come to know it.”

His eyes widen though he doesn’t seem too surprised nor scared.

And so I launch into the story of my life, how I was once a little mermaid under the sea and how I traded it all for the heart of a prince. Other than Ramsay, I’ve never had the chance to tell anyone else this story without fear of reprisal, and I have to say it feels terribly good to let it all out like this. I’ve wanted to tell the rest of the crew this too but I know it probably won’t go over very well, considering what mermaid blood does, but Sedge seems to be a good place to start.

By the time I’m done talking, Sedge has made the coffee, already poured into the mugs, and his eyes are as wide as saucers.

Wow, he seems to say and I realize I really do have quite the story to tell. Perhaps I’ll write it all out one day.

A slow clap and jangling noise comes from behind me and I turn to see Nerissa standing there, smiling at me coyly, her hands pressed together, her pearl and shell bracelets rattling.

“I thought I knew your tale, but I didn’t think it would be quite like that,” she says. “Do you have my coffee?”

I nod and grab the mugs from Sedge, handing her one. When I had passed by her earlier she had seen me drinking coffee and there was such an envious look on her face that I asked if I could get her one.

“Shall we go for a walk?” she asks me.

“That sounds fine,” I say, knowing walks up and down the top deck were a common way for the crew to let loose excess energy. That and swordplay.

“I have much to discuss with you,” she says. In private.

That last part makes me flinch. It came directly inside my head.

It’s okay, child, she goes on with a secretive smile. You can answer back too.

I glance at Sedge but he’s gone back to chopping vegetables for supper.

You can hear my thoughts? I think.

She scrunches up her nose. Maybe try again, really project to me.

Can you hear me now? I say, thinking harder.

She grins, her teeth glowing white. Loud and clear. Come now and walk with me.

We go up the stairs to the top deck, our hair blown forward as the wind meets our backs. The scent of land is stronger now and it feels like the wind is pushing us faster toward it.

The crew looks up as we pass. I notice now that they revere me with respect and warmth, I suppose because they’re both used to my presence and it’s obvious now that the captain and I are having an affair. The hostage is no longer here against her will.

But while they look at me like I’m part of their family now, a feeling I enjoy very much, they look at Nerissa with suspicion still. Even with her free to roam the ship and the fact that she stays out of everyone’s way, they haven’t been able to let their guards down. Especially Thane and Cruz. Seems she’s rattled them both to their core.


