A Ship of Bones & Teeth Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 144411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)

I give her an acidic grin. “So are you, darling.”

“A monster,” she spits out, crawling even closer. Maybe too close for comfort considering what a monster she can be.

“If the boot fits. They fit us both.”

“A heathen,” she says, her eyes now on my lips.

“Being a saint is so fucking boring.”

“You torture people.”

“Not for fun,” I say, though that is a bit of a lie. “Unless they deserve it,” I clarify.

Her eyes flash. “I saw the hold. I saw where you kept the crew and my servants. What you did to them.”

Blast. I didn’t want her to see that.

“We didn’t torture them for fun,” I try to explain. “That’s not what we do…that’s not what we’re about. The Brethren has a strict moral code.”

She barks out a sour laugh. “Oh, I’ve heard all about your pirate’s code.”

“No. Not a pirate code. The code of the Brethren. We happen to be pirates, but not all pirates are part of the Brethren. All the ones that are you’ll find on the Nightwind.”

“So then you’re some kind of devil-worshipping cult.”

“That’s making us sound organized. We only do—”

“What you must to survive,” she finishes. “Yes, I’ve heard it all before.”

“Then by now you should know it to be true.” I wait a beat, waiting to see if I should provoke her or not. I know she can be dangerous but at the same time I want that. I want to tussle with her with her claws out. “But at least we have a code. You don’t. I caught you eating your husband’s heart like you were a stray dog.”

She lets out a roar and pounces on me like a lioness, her claws sharpening, teeth turning into sharp slivers. “Damn you!” she growls and she’s on top of me, my hands holding her back with a tight grip around her wrists, her mouth snapping, her fingers trying to claw the air.

“My little monster has come out to play again,” I say, grinning up at her. “Don’t you know this only excites me?”

Her nostrils flare as she seems to take in the sight of her claws, the way they extend from her fingers like eagle’s talons. Then the surprised look in her eyes turns to one of pride and satisfaction. She eyes me. “I could eat you right here.”

“So could I,” I counter. “Only I’d make it worth your while.”

“You already kissed me.” Her eyes glint. “I wasn’t that impressed.”

I snort. “My apologies. I thought you could handle it.”

“I can handle it.”

“Then I’ll probably do it again. I can’t help myself around you.”

“Because you’re unhinged, getting your prick up by a creature like me.”

“A gorgeous creature,” I correct her. “And a dangerous one. I’m a fool for a strong woman, a free woman, one who goes by her own rules, one who does what she wants and doesn’t care what the world says. Don’t you think you fit the bill?”

She stops squirming for a moment and I lower her toward me an inch, the tips of her thick wet hair tickling my face. She’s breathing hard and her eyes look away from my face for a moment, as if thinking over what I said.

“Oh, just take my cock so I can fuck you and be done with it,” I say.

She blanches, a venomous gaze darting back to mine. “Be done with it?”

“Aye. So I can make you see heaven before you go back to hating me.”

“Perhaps I’d rather fuck you and hate you at the same time.”

“Anyone ever tell you how immoral your mouth is?”

“Never. I suppose I’ve been saving it for you.”

I give her a crooked smile. “I think I’d risk those teeth along my cock for the mere promise of what your lips and tongue can do, but the honest truth is I’d rather be using my mouth on you.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

I give her a look that says, oh really?

With a grunt I flip her over, slamming her back against the grass and she lets out a yelp.

“You going to fight me or fuck me?” I growl at her, pinning her clawed hands above her head and straddling her hips. “Let me know so we can have some rules.”

She snarls in response, baring her teeth and showing no signs of wanting to play fair. If I’m not careful I’ll come out of this missing the tip of my nose.

Or worse.

“Fine,” I say. “Guess I’ll have to take my chances.”

With one hand still affixed to her wrists, I bring my other one down to her thighs, parting them roughly. I slide my hand up to her womanhood and I’m not all too surprised to find her bare and wet.

A gasp gets caught in her throat and for a moment she gives in, her eyes fluttering, mouth parting, then her neck cords and she snaps her head toward me.


