A Ship of Bones & Teeth Read Online Karina Halle

Categories Genre: Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 154
Estimated words: 144411 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 722(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 481(@300wpm)

I lower my hand again, this time forgoing the soap which floats in the water, and my fingers find her tender flesh between her thighs. I know exactly what to do to her body to at least have her submit to me this way.

Her legs part as much as they can in the narrow space and she takes in a sharp breath as I rub along her length, dipping into her cunt.

“I still hate you,” she seethes through a gasp.

“You can hate me all you want with that brain of yours. But your body doesn’t. No, your body loves me very much.”

“Just your cock,” she manages to say.

I chuckle. “Well, my cock happens to be my best feature.”

With the fingers of one hand fucking her in the water, I lift her heavy hair away from her neck. She stiffens. She knows what I’m about to do. I can smell the metallic taste of her blood as it buzzes beneath the skin, all of her senses now coming truly alive as she straddles the line between predator and prey.

The lambs always know when the wolf is about to attack. They know it in their bones.

My canine teeth sharpen and I know there’s a risk of me losing control with her. When I’ve fed from humans I never wished to hurt, more times than not I’ve gotten carried away and ended up killing them, either taking too much blood or tearing them apart. It’s bloodlust and I’ve spent centuries trying to control it.

I don’t want to lose it with Maren; I don’t want to cause her any harm. I just hope that if I do, she’ll be able to defend herself somehow. Though with the way she’s tied up, she’ll be as helpless as any lamb.

I swallow down my anxiety and hope and pray that I can keep myself in stride.

I bring my mouth to her neck where her veins sing to me the most. She shivers, gooseflesh erupting beneath my hot breath and I press my lips to her skin. She jumps and her heart pounds louder and stronger and I’ve never been so hard and hungry in my life.

Then I bite her.

I sink my teeth in through her flesh, piercing her neck deep and hitting the vein. She lets out a cry and my jaw tightens over her neck as the blood starts flowing into my mouth.

The effect is immediate. It had been some time since I fed from a human, as we were trying to ration the captives on board, plus we can go a while without feeding. But her blood, this Syren blood, goes straight to my heart. It feels like it’s replenishing each vein in my body, like I’m being reborn as something smarter, faster, stronger. I’ve had their blood before and it was never so fast-acting as this. This time it all seems to go straight into my cock, a curious need to drink and fuck at the same time.

I let out a groan against her neck and she’s starting to relax in the water and I remember to keep pleasuring her with my fingers. If I concentrate on that, I won’t lose myself to the bloodlust.

And yet I can feel the bloodlust take over.

My vision goes red.



I’ve never been in such exquisite pain before. That’s the only way I know to describe it. The moment that Ramsay’s teeth pierced my neck and spilled my blood, it was excruciating agony that I felt so sharply in the marrow of me. And yet the moment he started sucking and drinking my body started to release me from the pain.

I started to get aroused.

And now he’s touching me again, his fingers sliding over my womanhood as I’m sitting in this barrel of soapy water. I buck my hips up against his hand, trying to get more purchase, wanting him deeper, harder, everywhere. There’s a part of my mind that wants me to remember that I am being drained of blood by a creature who drinks blood and kills to survive, and yet none of that matters much now that my body has taken over.

I want release. I want him inside me in every way possible. I want his cock rammed in me hard while his teeth penetrate my neck, I want him to fill me and take from me at the same damn time.

From those thoughts, from his long strong fingers, I’m brought to orgasm. I cry out in a wild moan as the orgasm tears through me, rendering me obsolete as he’s fused with my skin in two separate ways. Water splashes over the edge of the tub and onto the floor and I can’t control my body, can’t stop writhing as he gives and takes and gives and takes.

My world is still spinning, my heart a racing horse, and though his hand has moved away, his mouth is still locked onto my neck. Now that clarity is returning a little, I wonder how long he’s going to feed from me. Does he know when to stop? From his quick hot breath and the grunts he’s letting out, it’s hard to say what’s normal and what’s him getting carried away.


