Biker Schmiker (Turf Wars #1) Read Online Bella Jewel

Categories Genre: Biker, Funny, MC, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Turf Wars Series by Bella Jewel

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 69759 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 349(@200wpm)___ 279(@250wpm)___ 233(@300wpm)

But I’m trying really hard.

I also am trying not to get jealous of how gorgeous she is. Every time she moves, or laughs, or touches her hair I am reminded that for a long time, Riggs was in love with her. He cherished that body, putting his mouth all over it. He adored that smile, enough that he wanted to wake up to it every day. He loved her, so much so that he got married. Riggs isn’t the marrying type, so I know, once, she meant the world to him.

I can’t say my green-eyed monster isn’t a little pissed about it all.

Especially considering next to her, I have nothing.

I certainly don’t shine like she does.

I talk way too much.

I certainly don’t have that body, or that skin.

It does make me wonder what he sees in me.

Is he downgrading so he doesn’t get hurt again?

“Yeah,” I finally answer her question. “He just wanted sex. I should know, I mean, a man like that is hardly going to commit to someone like me.”

“Mmmm,” Carmen agrees, sipping her wine. “He does sound like a player. Seems like you dodged a bullet.”

“I think so, but still, it’s hard to just walk away, you know? I mean he thinks I tried to burn his garage down, it’s not a wonder he can’t make it work with me.”

Her eyes flash. “He still thinks it was you?”

“Yeah, and so do the cops.”

“Oh, that sucks. I’m sorry. Is there any sort of evidence they can look into?”

“Nope. The garage hadn’t set up security yet, because it was only new, so basically it’s his word against mine.”

She looks relieved by this.

I just bet she is.

“I’m sure something will come up. I think dinner is ready, let me get it.”

She stands and goes into the kitchen for ten or so minutes and comes out with two bowls loaded with spaghetti.

“Girl, this pasta is going straight to my ass.” I laugh when she places it down in front of me.

“I’m sure you’ll work it off.”

“Remember what I said about running?”

She laughs and we both fall silent when we begin to eat. She doesn’t speak to me until we’re finished. It’s definitely not the way it was before, and I’m wondering if she knows more than she’s letting on? Maybe I should just confront her? After all, the cops and Riggs are on standby, it couldn’t do any harm.

“When were you going to make the call?” she asks me, out of the blue.

I stare at her, confused. “Pardon me?”

“The cops you’ve got waiting outside, when were you planning on making the call?”

Oh, shit.

She does know.

Of course she knows.

Two can play at this game.

“When were you going to tell me you’re married to the man I’m sleeping with?” I throw back at her.

She crosses her arms and a slow smile crosses her face. “You knew he was married, you did it anyway.”

“You’re not together. You lied to me,” I say, shaking my head in disappointment. “I actually thought you were a nice person.”

She studies me and keeps the smile. “You should never trust strangers, Evelina.”

“You’re not going to get away with this. One call and the cops are in here. They have a picture of you, they know you lit that garage up, and when Riggs makes a formal statement, they’ll have you for burning his house down, too. You’re going away, I hope you like prison. How’s your ass feeling? Tight I hope.”

She flinches. “You couldn’t possibly think I’m stupid enough to actually get caught, do you? I knew exactly why you came here tonight, and I knew what you were planning. You’re not calling any cops, because by the time you get to your phone, I’ll be long gone. I won’t be done, though. Oh. no, Riggs and I aren’t through.”

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

“I’m not sure how you think you’re going to stop me from calling them,” I say, standing and pulling out my phone.

She reaches around behind her into her jeans and pulls out a gun. She points it at me. “You’re going to tie yourself up, and I’m going to leave.”

My heart skips a beat. This went from good to bad really quick. Surely she wouldn’t shoot me? Though, she did burn a house with Riggs inside so it’s highly likely she’s crazy enough to. I keep my phone in my hand and try to glance around the room for something I can use as a distraction so I can get the hell out of here.

“Move and I’ll shoot you,” she warns. “I don’t want to have to hurt you, Evelina. Regardless of anything, you’re actually a nice person. In a different world, we might have been friends. Riggs is mine, and I’ll do whatever I can do to make sure you’re gone from his life.”


