Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

He pushes his weight against me and shushes me in my ear. Like I’m a wild animal, and he’s trying to calm me.

“Let me tell you a secret, angel.” He speaks clearly as I still beneath him. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Liar. He’s a fucking liar.

He continues talking as if he read my mind. “I have no choice but to train you. You may not understand why, and honestly, you don’t need to know. But I don’t have to hurt you. This doesn’t have to be a fight.”

His words are soothing, and I almost start to relax a little, but the next thing he says comes out hard. “But you will listen to me. And I’ve found it’s best when punishment is severe.”

“Fuck you!” I scream again.

“Don't make me punish you.”

“Do whatever the fuck you want, asshole.” I sneer.

“What I want is to feed you,” he says simply. “But you disobeyed me. So you need to be punished first.”

“Please stop this.” The words come out without my conscious awareness. “You don’t have to do this.” I sound weak and pathetic as I beg him.

I expect him to laugh. I expect him to tell me he won’t stop. Instead he hesitates. For a moment, I feel something. I feel hope.

He moves away from the bed and I look back at him, praying he’ll set me free. But there’s no mercy in his expression.

“I do,” he finally says. He nods his head slowly, keeping my gaze with his intense stare. “I have to do this. And you have to obey me, either by choice or force. That's entirely up to you. But it’s going to happen.”

My eyes fall. “Just kill me then.” Again I speak without thought.

“I can’t do that.” He speaks so quietly I barely hear him say, “I need you.” The way his voice comes out with so much sincerity makes me believe him.

“Now come over here and eat.”

I eye him warily. “You said I had to be punished first.”

“I did. And I changed my mind.” He leans closer to me. “You should move quickly, before I change my mind again.”

I look up at him, not knowing what to do. In an instant, my anger dissipates. My throat seems to swell with a lump that won’t go down. “I have a mother.” I try to speak confidently, but my voice comes out raspy. I look down and try to calm myself.

I back away as he sits next to me and pulls me closer to him. I try to resist, but it’s no use. He gently pets my back.

“You have family. You have friends,” he says calmly, and it kills the last bit of hope I have, like an ice shard through my heart. “I know you do. I know their names. I know where they live.” My eyes pop open and my body chills with fear.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have any plans to hurt them. I meant it when I said I didn’t want to hurt you, either.” He tilts my head up to force me to look into his blue eyes. “I mean it. But you need to listen.”

He stares at me for a long time, waiting until he has my full attention. “You’ve gotten yourself into the middle of something very serious. There’s no way you can get out.”

I shake my head, wanting to deny it, wanting to plead with him.

“Hush, angel.” He rubs his thumb along my jaw and I subconsciously lean into his touch. “There’s no changing that now. The only thing you have control over is how you respond to me.”

I stare into his eyes, trying to understand. “They want me to train you. You know that, don’t you?”

I barely nod my head as I accept that reality. “I’ve trained sex slaves before. Some willing, and some not so much.” He pushes the hair out of my face. “It’s easier when they’re willing.”

I can’t look at him.

“If that’s the way you want it, we can do it that way, too.” He moves away from me and I scoot closer to the headboard, keeping my eyes on him as prey watches a predator.

“You need to eat,” he says simply.

“I'm not hungry,” I whisper.

“Do you need to use the bathroom?” he asks.

I shake my head and hug my knees to my chest. My entire body feels hollow. I don't need anything other than a chance to get away from him. As I shake my head, I become acutely aware of the pressure in my bladder. But I'm not having that fucker watch me go to the bathroom. I'll hold it as long as I have to. I'd rather pee in the corner.

He sighs angrily and presses his lips into a straight line. “If you need something, you'll need to knock loudly. Do you understand?” His voice is hard.


