Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

I nod my head as I say, “Yes.”

He leaves the plate from the tray and walks out of the room without another word. I wait a moment, thinking he’s left it unlocked and quietly move to the door. I’m halfway there when I hear the click and see the knob rattle as he tests to make sure it’s locked.

My heart falls in my chest.

He’s going to train me for them. That’s all I am now. And there’s no escape.

I suppose one would experience many different emotions when faced with something like this, the first being denial. And maybe that’s what I spent the last few hours and yesterday doing. But the second emotion is anger.

I look around the room and let the rage consume me. And then I do something very, very stupid.


He can’t just take me and expect me to bend to his whims. He thinks he's my Master. He can go fuck himself. I’m not some sort of sweet little thing, so desperate to live I’ll let him whittle me down into nothing. I refuse to give in to him. I take out the bottom drawer of the dresser. Or rather, I rip it out. I pick it up by the handle.

It’s fucking heavy and made of real wood, but I’m able to swing it with all my weight against the side of the armoire. It barely breaks, and that makes me even angrier. I scream out and swing it again. This time it cracks and splinters, and falls into large pieces. One board almost lands on my foot, but I move it in time.

I pick up a small splinter that split off and shove it under the duvet in the bed. I'll start storing weapons.

I breathe heavily, staring at the armoire. I want that fucking door. I can see myself smashing it over his head. Or maybe using it as a shield to break down the bedroom door. It looks heavy, but I only need one chance. I toss the board onto the floor and grab the door to the armoire, tugging it, trying to bring it down.

I hold onto the door as the armoire tilts and gravity takes over as it falls to the floor with a loud crash. My hand on the door slips, and it smacks my arm as it falls. Fuck! That hurt like a bitch. It’s definitely going to leave a bruise. I almost kick the damn thing in my rage, but that’d be worthless.

Instead I grip it and pull, trying to break it off. I’m tearing this fucking door off, and then I’m smashing through the door to the bedroom keeping me prisoner. I’ll fucking break my way out of here.

“What the fuck!” The door slams open and Kade stares back at me with a look of contempt.

“What the fuck are you doing?” he sneers at me. My chest heaves. I don’t know. I have no fucking clue what I’m doing, but it doesn’t matter. It was my choice. And I'll do whatever I want.

He stalks toward me and I grab a piece of the drawer that broke off. I point the jagged edge at him. He wants to tame me, break me, fuck me… well then he’s going to have to fight me first.

“What are you going to do with that, angel?” His dark voice sends a warning that makes my breathing come in frantic pants. I ignore the pulsing desire deep in my core.

I can see him overpowering me, ripping my weapon from my hand and making me pay for disobeying him. But he just punished me last time. Tears prick my eyes and my throat closes as a lump grows. I don't want this. I don't want any of this. This is some fucked up twisted mix of a nightmare and fantasy.

Kade pauses on his way to me, sensing my anger starting to wane. He holds his hand up like he’s approaching a wounded animal. And maybe that’s what I am. But he made me this way. It’s his fault. I fucking hate him.

“Olivia, put it down.” No fucking way. I shake my head and hold up the board with my trembling hand. I try to steady it, but I can’t.

The reality of the situation hits me like a ton of bricks. I’m fucking dead. I can't fight him. Even with this board, I don't stand a chance. But at least I'm trying.

I shake my head again and the second I blink away the tears, he’s on me. I scream as his body slams against mine and he pushes me down onto the rug. He grabs the board before I can do anything and pulls it from me.

I thrash under him, but his weight is too heavy. He cages me in, leaning his chest against mine.

“Shh, it’s alright. Calm down.” He whispers comforting words into my ear. His hand rubs along my hip and up my side then back down in soothing strokes. His lips barely touch my neck with his head safely nestled in the crook of my neck. The position also forces me still, unable to move much at all.


