Broken: A Dark Romance Read online Books Willow Winters

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 66454 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 222(@300wpm)

He shows me the wide, black leather collar with several silver loops on it. It’s new. He fastens it to my neck, the smooth leather gently sliding across my tender skin until it’s in place. I stay still as he attaches a thick silver chain to the back of it. My hair tickles my shoulders as he lifts it out of the way. It’s a leash.

He bucks his hips into my ass and I slide forward on the bed with a small gasp. His hard dick is still pressed against my pussy. Only the thick fabric of his pants is between us. Shamefully, I feel myself heat for him. I want him. I want to know what it’s like. He tempts and teases me every day and night, never taking from me.

My hands slip across the soft sheets, and the cold chain lifts from my back but before I can bow completely, he pulls the chain and I’m pulled back slightly by the collar around my neck. It tightens, but not to the point of pain or limiting my breath. I stay exactly how he has me positioned, my back arched and my fingers digging into the mattress to support this pose.

I hear him groan in satisfaction as his fingers gently glide down my waist, hip and then thigh, leaving goosebumps along the way. He shifts behind me and a chill runs up and down my spine. I hear the chain fall before I feel the cold metal on my back. He lays it down against my spine with care and then over my ass, letting the remainder pool between my legs and onto the mattress.

He splays a hand on my lower back while his other cups my pussy. I close my eyes in shame, knowing just how hot and wet I am for him.

“You’re such a good girl, angel.” He bends down and plants a kiss on my lower back. He moves the long chain between my pussy lips and up my stomach. I hear the clinking as he threads it through one of the silver loops in the collar and then tightens it.

My lips part with a gasp as the cold metal presses against my throbbing clit.

“Stay,” he commands me and I obey. The bed dips, and I resist the urge to turn and look as he opens and then quickly closes a dresser drawer.

He moves back behind me and settles a hand on my lower back.

My forehead pinches as he slips an egg-shaped device into my slick pussy. It has a curve on the end that just barely touches my clit and bumps up against the chains. If I’m still, there’s hardly any sensation, but the slightest movement feels so intense. Every nerve ending is on edge and ready to explode. I’m already primed from the training session today.

“Be a good girl and keep this in while I get ready.” He starts to leave, but then he asks, “Do I need to chain you? I don't want you to move at all.”

“No, Kade,” I answer quickly. I almost said Master. I almost forgot we're in the bedroom.

“I mean it, angel. Be a good girl and just enjoy this.” I turn slightly to meet his eyes as he clicks a button on a remote.

My mouth opens with a gasp and my body almost collapses as the device starts to vibrate in my pussy and against the thick chains. The humming movement of the chain makes my body heat, and pleasure stir within my lower belly. I drop my head to the mattress and moan into the sheets.

I’m on edge and dying for a release within seconds.

I lift my head to plead with him to make it stop or to give me more, I’m not sure which one. But he’s not here. As my toes curl and the pleasure rises, the urge to grind against the chains is strong.

I moan Kade’s name with desperation.

But he’s already gone.


I don’t think I’ve ever showered so quickly in my life. I spent more time jerking off than anything else. I've had to ease my baser needs myself. I can’t be hard around Olivia. I want to fuck her every second of every day, but she’s not ready for that. I can’t take advantage of my sweet angel. She’s trying so hard, and doing so well. I only need them to see how good she is. She can do this. She’s still holding back, but she trusts me. She’s even turned on by being my pet.

I’m a sick bastard for enjoying this as much as I am.

Fucking her would only condemn me further. It’s going to happen. It has to happen. But I want her to truly desire it.

I could hear her moaning and panting the second I walked away.

I smile slowly as I dry my hair with the towel. I heard her cum more than once while I stroked myself off in the shower. Even over the pounding of the water splashing against the tile.


