Claiming What’s Mine Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 120
Estimated words: 109976 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 550(@200wpm)___ 440(@250wpm)___ 367(@300wpm)

“I’m okay, my stomach’s still a little upset from yesterday that’s all.” I wasn’t sure if I should believe her or not, she’d been fine all last night and when we woke up this morning. But I didn’t have any reason to doubt her word other than the uneasy feeling in my gut.

“Why don’t you give your ex in-laws a call, let them know you’re okay.”

“I’m still gonna have to leave, there’s the funeral…”

“Isn’t the senator’s people going to take care of that? All you have to do is show up right? And why the hell are you shaking, you sick?”

I helped her up and put my hand to her forehead, but she was cool to the touch. When she didn’t complain when I pulled her into my chest I knew something was wrong. Shy as she is she’d try to evade me outside of bed where I out maneuver her.

But now she just let me hold her as her body shook slightly. I didn’t like this at all, but she wasn’t talking and I’m not one to jump to conclusions without evidence. I’ll put Kev on it all the same. I don’t like coincidences.

“I’ll make some calls and find out when the funeral will be held. I don’t want you to worry about anything okay. Once the funeral is over I’ll take you away somewhere for a few days.”

Somewhere away from prying eyes and wagging tongues. I can’t have my future wife under everyone else’s scrutiny. Someone is bound to say the wrong damn thing and set me off and that shit won’t end well. I put it aside for now to take care of her. I don’t like the way she looks.

“Come, let me put you back to bed, you’re still shaking.” I lifted her and took her back upstairs to bed, and clapped myself on the back for being able to restrain myself while holding her quietly in my arms.

I only kissed her head three times in the ten minutes it took for her eyes to droop and I sat with her for another ten minutes waiting until I was sure she was asleep before leaving her for my home office.


I switched on the security camera in my room for the first time since it’d been installed, so I could watch her while I worked and was soon knee deep in paperwork.

Going after her last night had set me back some but it couldn’t be helped. I always suspected it would be like this, that if I ever possessed her she’d take my life over completely.

I’m not too worried about it though, as a man of principle I’ve long known how to treat the woman in my life. I’d spent countless hours imagining doing just that with her hadn’t I?

The phone rang an hour or so later and I checked the monitor first to make sure she was still where I’d left her before answering. “What’s up Kev?”

“You’re not going to believe this.”

“What now?” I relaxed back in the desk chair and studied her sleeping form on the screen. No doubt whatever he was about to say had something to do with her.

I hadn’t heard from the senator yet after I sent his errand boy packing, but I’m sure we weren’t done. I know the kind of man he is and I’m sure he’d try some shit else. Too bad for him we’re operating at cross-purposes.

He might see her as his daughter in law, I see him as part of her past. She wasn’t married to the whole damn family after all. And they’d had her long enough as far as I’m concerned. Not another fucking minute more.

I’m sure whatever he’s got going on is no match for my jealous rage if he keeps persisting. It doesn’t matter that he can have no idea about our history or that he might genuinely be worried about her, she doesn’t need the likes of him in her corner, she’s got me.

“I’ve been on this shit since you woke me up this morning and it wasn’t easy let me tell you. After many twists and turns it looks like the senator is the one who bought up the debt.”

“That makes no sense, if Vance was out of the hole why the hell did he off himself? Did you find anything else?” I tapped a few keys on the computer splitting my interest between the conversation and the work I needed to finish.

“That’s just it, there’s nothing else we can find that would lead him to do what he did. Nothing more than the usual when it comes to him anyway. Even more of note is the fact that the senator used a fake name to buy up the debt. I’m still working on finding where else that alias has been used.”


