Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
“Like I already said, it is not necessary, but if we talk about it, we stay here.” Lei’s fingertips brushed against my inner thigh, delivering tingling sensations to my core.
I widened my eyes and did my best to maintain my composure.
“Drop it, Chen. Enough has already happened today.” Duck moved his empty bowl of soup to the side and pulled over a plate stacked with seafood. “In fact, are we really surprised that our fathers went to great lengths to do something this insane?”
“Yes!” Chen held out both hands. “Capital yes, in fact. And by the way, Leo cannot pick the Mountain Mistress. It is against the code—”
“A code that he wrote.” Duck grabbed a lobster claw. “Uncle Leo knows how to get around all of the codes.”
Ignoring them, Lei traced the length of my inner thigh.
An involuntary ripple of goosebumps spread across my arms.
What are you doing?
My nipples hardened as I barely suppressed a shiver.
Chen shook his head. “This is about the need for free will.”
“This is Uncle Leo and our father continuing to move us around on their board of life.”
“But where is the sense of self?” Chen held up both hands. “Lei should have genuine desires for his Mountain Mistress. Not ones implanted in him by a sick and twisted puppeteer.”
Duck sighed. “They are genuine.”
“What?” Chen dropped his hands and eyed him. “What’s genuine?”
“Lei’s feelings.”
“But are they?” Chen frowned. “How can we be sure anymore? With all of Uncle Leo’s planning, I bet you and I have also been maneuvered to move exactly how he wants.”
“Maybe.” Duck nibbled on lobster. “Long ago, I always thought the tracker in the locket was a dumb idea, especially since it came from our father. Of course we thought that he was worried about his grieving brother. Poor Uncle Leo. We worried too. But now. . .I’m not sure.”
Song gave them the idea of the tracker?
Chen gestured to us. “Lei should have free will when picking a woman to sit in the most important position in the Four Aces. Not Uncle Leo’s will.”
Duck spoke between munching, “You are jumping too far ahead. The position of Mountain Mistress hasn’t been filled yet.”
“If we continue on this path, we may very well be sitting with. . .her.” Chen appeared freaked out. “This could be her. Is this not a bit terrifying? I thought I had much more time. How does this even work? Marriage and babies! I am unprepared to manage all of this. My chest is full of pressure—”
“Relax, Chen, and eat. I have free will and everything within my heart and mind is genuine.” Inch by inch, Lei slipped those fingers closer to my panties.
God, yes. Wait. I should stop him, but. . .
Those fingers journeyed closer, and I couldn’t find the energy to prevent them.
I spread my legs open for him, but made sure my face showed no sign of the wickedness going on below.
“Are you even ready for a Mountain Mistress, Lei? With all that has been lost.” Chen frowned. “Especially, a woman picked by your father?”
“No one has picked anything and this conversation is over.” Lei’s voice went dark. “Shut the fuck up and let me enjoy myself for this evening.”
“I agree.” Duck grabbed another lobster claw. “Let’s eat and then head to bed.”
“Exactly. It is time for bed.” Lei’s fingers made it to my panties.
My eyes grew sleepy, distorting the view in front of me.
He slipped those fingers under the pantie’s silky fabric and made contact with my pussy. And it was dripping wet for him.
Lei grunted.
Duck stopped chewing and eyed him.
I bit my bottom lip and desperately yearned to close my eyes. It took all of my energy to keep them open.
None the wiser, Duck returned to eating.
My chest rose and fell like I had just been running.
Chen put his view on me. “Then, what do you think of this, Monique?”
Lei brushed my clit.
I let out an exasperated breath.
His touch sent a hot jolt of electricity through me and all my senses were heightened as I fought to control the lusty tingling sensations that raced through my body.
Somehow, I stifled a moan.
Chen quirked his brows. “Monique? Are you okay?”
“Y-yes.” I cleared my throat.
Smirking, Lei toyed with my clit. “Are you sure, Monique? Is this all too much for you to handle?”
“Yes.” I shut my thighs, stopping his hand. It took a few seconds to catch my breath. “Ummm. . .I mean. . .no. . .and Chen. . .I think Duck and Lei are right on this. . .Let’s just leave it alone for now. We all need time to process this.”
Chen scowled. “Surely, this new information shoved you a little over the edge.”
“It did, but the more important goal for now is Lei’s battle with Leo.”
Lei tried to push my thighs apart.
I kept his hand locked in a grip. “And I don’t want to talk about this, Chen.”