Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)
Clearly shocked, Monique parted her mouth.
“Yes. Lei was racing around the city searching for Chanel's body these past days.” Chen bobbed his head. “But you were always on his mind and I believe that his feelings for you are already stronger and will surpass anything that he ever felt for Chanel.”
I stirred.
Chen gave a half bow and returned to where he was standing earlier.
Monique watched him and then sighed.
Pissed, I turned to Duck. “Red Pole?”
Will you go with your brother as usual or for the first time ever. . .vote differently?
I didn't know why Duck always went with Chen. Perhaps it was a little brother-big brother thing. Also, they did grow up in the same household. Maybe that caused them to typically think alike.
Duck shifted uncomfortably under the weight of the moment. His gaze flickered between Monique and me.
To my surprise, there was a conflict evident in his eyes.
What's going on in your mind, cousin?
Duck cleared his throat.
I raised my eyebrows. “Do you need more time to think? I can skip to Hu.”
“No.” Sadness laced Duck's voice. “I agree with my brother.”
“What?” Monique flinched as if she has been slapped.
Sighing, he stepped forward.
“Monique, you've shown yourself to be more than capable. You’re intelligent. Strong-willed, and you have the sort of charisma that would have dangerous men like us. . .listening and agreeing with you.” He paused, his gaze lingering on Monique a moment longer than necessary. “Those are all qualities befitting a Mountain Mistress.”
Monique's eyes widened slightly.
Shit. She may not get the vote.
Duck remained there. “It's clear that you have a powerful effect on those around you, especially. . .myself included. But it's also clear. . .unfortunately. . .that your place is beside Lei, leading us all. You should be Mountain Mistress.”
Monique frowned. “But I'm not petitioning for the role of Mountain Mistress—”
“You're not allowed to interrupt anyone's discussion on their vote.” Chen wagged a finger.
Monique looked close to scratching Chen's eyes out. Still, she kept her composure. “I apologize.”
Duck gave her a small nod of appreciation. “Thank you for understanding, Monique. I know this may not be what you were expecting but sometimes the path we're meant to take isn't the one we initially set out on.”
Monique rolled her eyes.
Duck bowed and returned to his spot.
All eyes then turned to Hu, the final vote.
I gestured to him. “Straw Sandal?”
Hu stepped forward and scratched his head. “Hmmm.”
An unreadable expression covered his face.
Will you finally vote? Or will you keep your neutral position?
In these past days, Duck and Chen had had many different exchanges with Monique. However, Hu always remained silent in the shadows.
But that simply meant that he was assessing her.
A whole quiet minute passed.
Impatient, I spoke, “The outcome of this Council rests on your shoulders. Get on with it.”
Chen jumped in, “Mountain Master, you cannot bully or force people to quickly vote.”
I sighed.
For another minute, Hu stood silently.
Goddamn it.
I ran my fingers through my hair.
And then finally, he took another step forward. “I don't usually vote. . .”
Monique's bottom lip shivered.
I hated her being in this position.
Hu gave Monique a sad smile. “But. . .this is important.”
Oh. He's going to vote.
“Monique, I've been watching you in this little bit of time.”
In that moment, I noticed two crows flying over and squawking. Usually, I would have stared up at them.
Instead, I put my attention back on Hu and hoped for the best.
“Your presence has brought a change to the Four Aces, a change that's been hard for me to ignore.”
Fuck. This could be bad.
Hu hated too much change. It always made him uneasy.
Hu pointed to Monique. “You've challenged Lei a lot, and. . .made us reconsider our own ways. That's not something that should be taken lightly.”
My heart pounded in my ears.
“The role of Mountain Mistress is a significant one.” Hu folded his hands in front of him. “But. . .you're not ready for that no matter what Uncle Leo, Chen, or even Duck think. Those are quite big shoes to fill and Lei's mother did it effortlessly and with pure grace. You will have quite a challenge to go up behind her as well as face our people in the process. They will not accept you in the beginning.”
Those words hung heavy in the air, threatening to suffocate us all.
Fuck this.
I began to step forward.
Chen placed his hand on my arm and stopped me. “You can't interrupt, Mountain Master. And this is his vote, not yours.”
Seething, I clenched my fists and stayed there.
“However, I'm not sure if you should be a Friend of the Four Aces either.” Hu quickly raised one hand. “And that is not my vote, I'm still thinking.”
Duck sighed. “Think quickly and figure it out.”
Hu's gaze remained fixed on Monique. “I'm going to give you a hypothetical situation, Monique.”
Duck glanced at me. “Can he do that?”
I nodded. “Do the hypothetical, Hu, but like Duck said. . .get on with it.”