Damaged (Boys of Winter #2) Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Dark, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Boys of Winter Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 131926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 660(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

I slowly draw them out and they glisten in the moonlight as I catch King’s stare. “And you?” I ask, bringing my fingers to my mouth and gliding them across my bottom lip before slowly rolling my tongue over it and tasting myself.

His eyes darken. “Fucking hell,” he mutters, the desperation of his tone hitting me right in the chest. “Ride those fingers, baby.”

A devilish grin cuts across my face as I push my fingers back in and show him exactly what I do when I think about them both at night. My breath comes in needy moans as I watch them stroking their cocks faster, but it all becomes too much and my control falls, needing so much more.

“Fuck,” I groan, my tone almost coming out as a desperate cry. “I can’t. I need you to touch me.”

They don’t hesitate.

King steps right into the side of the bed and reaches forward, curling his arm around my waist and yanking me to the end of the bed but keeping me on my knees. I look up at him, and seeing the darkness swirling in his eye, I lean forward and take his heavy cock in my mouth.

His fingers curl in my hair as he groans my name, but when Cruz climbs onto the bed behind me, a whole new level of excitement pulses through me. His legs fall on either side of my knees, and in one smooth motion, my thong is torn from my body.

He lifts me up and my aching cunt instantly comes down around his throbbing cock, my knees pressing into the bed on the other side of his thighs, spreading my legs so much wider.

I balance above him, my eyes clenched as I adjust to his delicious, full intrusion.

“Oh, fuck,” Cruz mutters, fucking up into me as he grips my hip with one hand while the other curls around my body and slips down between my legs, rubbing tight, desperate circles over my clit and instantly bringing my body to the edge.

I swirl my tongue over King’s tip, adding both my hands, one of them gliding up and down with my movements and the other slipping beneath and cupping his balls, giving them a firm squeeze just how he likes it.

His hands tighten in my hair and I can’t help but look up at him again, his eyes burning as he watches me fuck his cock with my mouth as his best friend slams deep inside my pussy.

If my mouth wasn’t so full, I’d be screaming their names, instead, all I can do is groan, moan, and pant as I move on top of Cruz, slamming down over him and taking him so much deeper.

Cruz’s fingers tighten on my hip as King lets out a deep guttural growl. They’re both so close, we all are.

I need it harder.


As if reading my body, the boys take control. King grips my chin and fucks my mouth until my eyes water, while Cruz holds me up above him and slams into me over and over again. With my hands free, I reach down between my legs and furiously work my clit as my other hand dives further to feel Cruz’s cock moving in and out of me.

My orgasm explodes around me, completely overtaking my body and making me cry out. My pussy clenches around Cruz, and in an instant, he’s coming with me, a deep roaring groan rumbling through his chest.

My pussy convulses, and before I’ve even come down from my high, King stills, and with a sharp “fuck,” I taste his warm seed pouring down my throat.

He slowly pulls out of my mouth and I adjust myself on top of Cruz so that I lay across his wide chest. King falls to the bed beside us and instantly trails his fingers over my waist. “We need to get you some more of these lingerie sets,” he mutters, brushing his fingers over the red lacy material.

I roll my tongue over my lips and crawl across the bed until I’m straddled over his waist, more than aware of Cruz dripping between my legs and mixing with my own excitement.

“You like it?” I ask, pulling him up until he’s sitting.

King instantly reaches around me and unhooks my bra, letting it fall to the bed beside us. King dips his head and sucks my nipple into his mouth, making my head tip back in ecstasy. He doesn’t bother answering my question, but he doesn’t need to. His response is loud and clear, and damn it, I like what he’s putting down.

A breathy moan slips from between my lips, his touch bringing my body alive once again. I feel Cruz’s stare and glance at him to find his cock already hardening, and the deep hunger pulsing in his eyes tells me that he’s ready for more.


