Dark Song – Dark Carpathians Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 165649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 828(@200wpm)___ 663(@250wpm)___ 552(@300wpm)

Lorraine was his choice because he trusted her. She would guard Elisabeta as carefully and as fiercely as he did. She made him laugh, and she would make Elisabeta laugh. Other than her penchant for trying to modernize Elisabeta too fast, she was a perfect selection. He also knew Lorraine put his relationship with Elisabeta at the most risk. If she influenced her too heavily and his lifemate eventually became like her, they would cease to be compatible. Still, he knew Elisabeta needed Lorraine in her life.

Emeline was his third choice as a female friend for Elisabeta, and he wanted to find a way to bring her to the house. Dragomir kept Emeline and their daughter very close to their home. She was the most like Elisabeta in personality, and Ferro wanted to show her that it was okay to be different. That everyone was different and each relationship was their own.

“Of course I would be happy to help Elisabeta if she’ll accept my friendship,” Lorraine said. “I know I can get all about women’s rights, Ferro, but in the end, I really am all about sisterhood. I believe that whatever is right for a woman, whatever she chooses, I can support as long as it really is her choice.”

“You do understand Carpathians are not human, Lorraine,” Andor said gently. He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her knuckles. “We do not have choices. Not the male. Not the female. Or should I say, very few real choices. Once we are tied together, there is no way to break those ties. We are committed to one another’s happiness.” His thumb stroked caresses back and forth over her knuckles as he brought her hand to his chest. “Our laws and customs are very different from human ones and it can be difficult to remember that.”

“I am aware of that,” Lorraine admitted. “It is hard to keep it in mind sometimes, especially around certain ones, like Ferro.” She sent him a quick apologetic smile. “He never changes expression so it’s hard to tell when he’s teasing me, and he does act all feudal with Elisabeta.”

“Even so, mica, should Ferro act the part of a feudal lord, it is what his lifemate requires or he would not do so.”

There was such tenderness in Andor’s voice when he addressed his lifemate as he beautifully and gently pointed out the truth of their ways to her, that Ferro felt he needed to find a way to get that particular tone for his woman.

I like the way you speak to me, Elisabeta said. And I like that you call me your songbird. She struggles to understand the ways of the Carpathians and he is gentle with her.

Perhaps I should stop teasing her.

She likes that from you. She needs you to act like a brother, to feel as if she has family surrounding her. I can sense that she lost so much.

His woman had so much empathy for others. He could feel her reaching out to Lorraine, soothing her. They all had lost so much, not in the least, Elisabeta.

She lost her entire human family before meeting Andor.

“Traian is insisting that he meet with his sister, Ferro,” Andor said. “He has gone to Tariq and Gary and made his appeal to them. Gary has explained that she is very fragile and you are introducing the world to her slowly. He is claiming his rights as family.”

Ferro shrugged, in no way perturbed. “When she is ready, we will meet with him.”

“He has indicated that he wishes to take her back to the Carpathian Mountains where she might be near more familiar things.” Humor crept into Andor’s voice. “Apparently your reputation has preceded you and he worries that you might have, over the centuries, turned into something— how shall I put this delicately—beastly, no longer fit to be a lifemate, especially for one as delicate and fragile as Elisabeta. He wishes to take her back to the prince and have him decide.”

Elisabeta drew back, her breath catching in her throat, terror roaring to the forefront. Can he take me from you? Can he do that?

Breathe, sívamet. No one will ever take you from me. Very casually he lifted Elisabeta out of the seat and into his lap, his arms settling around her shivering body.

“I have a certain reputation for a reason, Andor. Should anyone try to take my lifemate from me, the ground would run red with their blood. I will never give her up as long as she wants me. I have given her my word of honor and I will keep it.” Deliberately, he was very calm and matter-of-fact about it. He felt that way because it was a fact of life, but he needed his lifemate to know he meant it. “Her brother will understand and be reassured once he meets me. He is only concerned because he cares so deeply for her.”


