Enchanting Sebastian Read online Kristen Proby (Big Sky Royal #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Big Sky Royal Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 66387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)

But love?

I’m just not capable of that.

I want to confess it all to her, but before I can say anything, Willa asks, “Your Majesty, if you don’t mind me asking, how old were you when you married? I’m afraid I don’t know my history very well.”

“Oh, that’s fine. And, if I’m honest, refreshing.” She sits on the sofa, and most of the girls sit or stand around, listening intently.

How often is it that you get a private moment with a queen?

“I was just twenty-two when we married,” she begins.

Jenna slides next to me in the kitchen, and as the queen holds court over my tribe, she whispers, “Have you heard from your mom?”

I shake my head. “No. She’s not speaking to me. She sent an email and said she wants nothing at all to do with any of this.”


“It’s a relief. I don’t want her here.”

Jenna simply nods and wraps her arm around my lower back. How could I have ever thought that she wasn’t right for my brother? For our family?

I don’t know what I’d do without this group of women in my life.

“And as for my dad,” I continue quietly, “who gives a shit?”

“I’d better be going,” the queen says twenty minutes and two glasses of bubbly later. “I know you girls want to talk freely, and you can’t do that with me here. I just couldn’t resist poking my head in to say hello.”

“I’m so glad you did.” I offer her a kiss on the cheek and hope I didn’t just break protocol. “Thank you.”

“Oh, it’s my pleasure. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She nods and leaves, and we all stare at each other for a moment.

“That’s the Queen of England,” Hannah says. “Holy shit.”

Ellie and Catherine laugh at us and then clink their glasses to ours.

“Okay, I want to know what it’s like to screw royalty,” Grace says. “No offense, ladies.”

“None taken,” Catherine says with a loud laugh. “Oh, it’s refreshing to be able to chat like this.”

“I don’t know what it’s like,” Ellie says and pouts her lips. “Unless I get to shag a prince from another country, which is unlikely.”

“Someone must know what it’s like to have sex with you,” I point out, but Ellie’s face reddens, and she just sips her bubbly. “Wait. You’re a virgin?”

“Do you know how hard it is to meet people when you’re a princess?” she asks. “People who aren’t boring arses. And can I just say, yes, I’m dating someone, but he’s a total wanker, and I’m only seeing him because my father thinks he’d make a suitable husband.”

“You haven’t had sex with him?” Catherine asks in surprise. “You’ve been dating for more than a year.”

“No. He’s too handsy. And when he kisses me, he drools too much. I can only imagine how absolutely dreadful actually shagging him would be.”

“Ew,” Hannah says with a cringe. “Do you mind if I ask how old you are?”

“Twenty-four,” Ellie says with a mournful sigh. “I’m going to be the oldest virgin on Earth soon.”

“I doubt that,” Jenna says. “And you definitely shouldn’t have sex with anyone until he makes you so crazy you can’t see straight.”

“Don’t lose your virginity to a drooling bore,” Fallon agrees. “But really, though, what is it like to have sex with a prince?”

All eyes fly to Catherine and me. “You go first,” she says, sitting back with her champagne. “I’m comparing notes.”

“Who said I’ve slept with him?”

“Oh, please.” Willa rolls her eyes. “Just spill it already.”

“I mean, it’s nice.”

“Nice?” Grace frowns. “You can have nice with anyone.”

“Not Alistair,” Ellie says.

“Okay, it’s the best I’ve ever had,” I admit in a rush and can’t hold back the big, goofy smile that spreads across my face. “Like, it’s so good, you guys. Fallon, remember when you asked me if I liked it when guys made sweet, slow love to me?”

She nods, her eyes intent on my face.

“Well, no one ever has before. I mean, it’s not like they were jerks or anything, but slow, sweet sex hasn’t been my experience.”

“She’s going to make me cry,” Hannah says. “I’ve had too much champagne.”

“And we have all kinds of sex,” I continue, clearly also having too much alcohol in my system. “Hot sex, sweet sex. Up against the wall and lazy in bed sex.”

At least the queen isn’t here for this part.

“So, yeah, it’s fun. What about you, Catherine?”

She blinks at me, sipping from her glass. “I can’t follow that.”

“Yes, you can,” everyone replies in unison.

“Freddie and I have been married for ten years,” she says.

“That doesn’t mean you can’t have amazing sex,” Fallon points out.

“Well, to be honest, in the beginning it was frequent and fun. But then children came along, and now we’re lucky to make love twice a month.”

“Whoa,” Jenna says, shaking her head. “Girl, that’s gotta change.”

“He’s quite proper,” Catherine adds. “But, really, I think we just don’t make time.”


