Enchanting Sebastian Read online Kristen Proby (Big Sky Royal #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Big Sky Royal Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 66387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 332(@200wpm)___ 266(@250wpm)___ 221(@300wpm)

“He says he’s not,” Callum says. “I’ll be nervous for both of us.”

“No need for that,” I say. “It’s all under control. Unless you lose that ring. Then I’ll thrash you silly in front of a billion viewers worldwide.”

I rub my hands together and look around the room. We have roughly eight hundred guests here today in the audience.

Celebrities, including Luke Williams and Will Montgomery. Royals and dignitaries from all over the world.

It’s a big deal.

Maybe I am nervous, after all.

“Only three hundred are invited to the party tonight,” Frederick reminds me as he joins us, shaking our hands. “Just get through the next two hours, and things will calm down a bit.”

“You’re the shyest of all of us,” I say to him. “How did you survive this?”

“Whiskey,” he says with a wink. “Let me know if you need any, I have a flask in my pocket.”

“Don’t be an alcoholic king when it’s your turn,” Callum says. “It’s so cliché.”

We’re laughing as the occupants of the room stand, and our parents walk up the aisle, stopping when they reach us. My father shakes our hands, and Mum leans in to kiss our cheeks. Jacob returns to his wife and the rest of the group here from Montana.

Ellie smiles over at me, and I realize that I didn’t see her before this. When I frown, she mouths, “I was with Nina.”

I love that she’s taken such a shine to my bride. That my whole family has, really. This would be much more difficult if they didn’t approve of her.

The crowd outside erupts in fanfare, and I turn to Callum.

“Seems she’s here,” he murmurs. “Are you ready?”

“Hell, yes.”

We’re standing at the altar now, our hands folded in front of us, waiting with the priest as the doors open.

Music from the royal orchestra fills the sanctuary.

Everyone stands once more.

And there she is.

Her dress is absolutely stunning. Long, lacy sleeves cover her arms, but it falls over her shoulders, exposing them tastefully. Her veil isn’t over her face. Instead, it flows behind her as if there’s a wind blowing just for her.

She’s a damn angel.

My God, I am in love with her. Desperately and irrevocably.

Nina’s arm is looped through Christian’s as he escorts her through the hundreds of people. Her eyes are pinned to mine, a smile frozen on her face.

She’s scared to death.

When they reach the front of the church, we all wait as the song finishes, and then the priest begins.

“Who gives this woman to be wed to this man?”

“I do,” Christian says, calmly and loudly, then passes her hand to mine.

I can’t stop smiling, looking into her gorgeous eyes.

“You’re stunning,” I whisper to her. “I’m the luckiest man alive.”

Her shoulders sag as if in relief.

“Thank you.”

Her smile widens, no longer there as a mask but genuine now.

I loop her arm with mine, cover her hand, and we both turn to the priest.

The ceremony is long, as all royal weddings are. But we speak of commitment, responsibility. Humility. Fidelity.

We even speak of love, and she doesn’t stutter over the words.

And, finally, after we’ve exchanged rings and are pronounced husband and wife, we walk back down the aisle and out the doors to meet the crowds beyond.

“Wow,” she says with a sigh. “We did it.”

“We did it, darling.” I pull her to me and kiss her passionately in front of all of the people gathered. They cheer loudly in response.

“Congratulations,” I whisper against her lips. “Princess Nina.”

Chapter Thirteen


“WHERE ARE YOU going on your honeymoon?” Callum asks as he whisks me around the dance floor.

We’re several hours into the reception, hosted by the king and queen in the courtyard of the palace. I changed into a sleek, sexy white dress more suited to dancing after the ceremony. And thank goodness for it because I’ve yet to sit out even one song.

“Aruba,” I reply with a grin. “I’m going to be lazy on the beach with all of the iced tea I can handle.”

“I’ve never understood the American fascination with ruining perfectly good tea with ice.”

“Well then, you’ve never had it prepared properly.”

“Perhaps that’s it,” Callum says with a laugh. “By the way, the Queen Victoria ring suits you.”

“I still can’t believe I’m wearing it,” I murmur. “And I can’t believe you know what it is.”

“We’re taught at a young age to recognize the different pieces of jewelry. We’re taught a lot of things.”

“Seems so.”

“I’d like to cut in.”

“Enjoy,” Callum says, backing away.

“Your Majesty.” I curtsy, and then I’m swept up in the king’s arms, being led around the floor.

“Princess Nina,” he says with a smile. “Ah, you’re not used to that yet, I see.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be used to it,” I admit. “It’s rather surreal, isn’t it?”

“I wouldn’t know. I’ve carried a title my entire life.”

“Of course.” He spins me out and then back in again, making me giggle. “You’re a wonderful dancer.”


