Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

“Wow,” she says softly. “Doesn’t feel like I thought it would.” She licks her lips and then unwraps her fingers and lets them glide up and down my length. “It’s funny because I read a book that Sasha was gushing about, and the heroine went on and on about how the hero’s dick felt like velvet over steel. I thought that was crap, but now that I’m touching you, I kind of see what she means.” She has a fascinated look on her face as she lightly strokes me with one fingertip. “You’re really, really hot here, and very hard, but your skin feels really soft under my touch. It’s so strange.”

Do you not like touching me? My thoughts feel as strained as my cock does. Her caresses are small, teasing torments.

“No, I like touching you,” she admits. “Are you okay with it? You seem a little tense.”

It is…because…I am fighting my instincts, I manage.

“Your instincts?”

To force you down onto your belly so I can mount you and slam my cock into your cunt. To pump you full of my seed.

She gasps, her mind full of the visual of that, and I get a glimpse of what happened between us that fever-filled night. I groan aloud at her memories. I took her hard and fierce that night and she loved all of it. Unfair that I was so fevered I did not remember.

“We’ll make new memories,” she promises in a low voice, and wraps her fingers around my length again. “Starting right now, if you like.”

I like, I growl, fascinated by the sultry look on her face. I like very much.

“Good,” she whispers, and then squeezes my cock. She leans forward, her hair tumbling, and then licks the tip of my cock.

I growl. Pleasure and need flare through me, hard and fast. I have never felt anything so good as her small, soft tongue against the head of my cock.

“Oooh,” she breathes. “You taste different than I thought you would.”

How do I taste? I am finding it difficult to concentrate. Her breath plays along the head of my cock, tormenting me.

“Like cinnamon, almost. Hot,” she licks. “Sticky,” she licks again. “Definitely cinnamon.”

I groan fiercely, clenching my fists at my side. Her mouth is the most enticing torture ever. I am fascinated as she licks me again, the pink length of her tongue darting out to caress the head of my cock. Then she lowers her head even more and takes the entire head of it into her mouth. I feel hot, wet suction, feel the graze of her tongue against the underside of my cock, and I nearly come off of the bed. Emma!

She makes a little noise of pleasure in her throat, her grip holding my shaft tight. She sucks harder, then swirls her tongue over the tip, and her thoughts are filled with desire. Tell me if you want me to stop and I’ll stop.

I never want her to stop. I want her mouth to keep teasing me forever.

I will not last nearly long enough, though. Already the tease of her hair along my thigh is a reminder of what she does, and the hot suction of her mouth reminds me of the tight grip of her cunt. I can see why humans do this. I look down, and the sight of her face as she feeds my cock into her mouth is the most fascinatingly erotic thing I have ever seen. The image of it will be burned into my mind forever.

I nearly come right then and there. I can feel my body clench with the need to release, to spill my seed. But this is her mouth, not her cunt. I cannot. I want her to be on my shaft when I come. I want to be buried deep inside her. I want to fill her with my seed and give her my young. I want my scent to mingle with hers.

And that will not happen if she continues to milk me with her mouth.

So I can enjoy this pleasure, but I cannot let it overwhelm me. That is…not so easy. My sac feels tight with the need to release, and I can feel sweat breaking out on my body as I try to hold myself together. I must concentrate on enjoying this…but not too much. It is clear she is having a good time, and she likes my reactions. Let it be no more than that.

A pleasantry. I struggle to calm myself. Pleasant. Nothing more.

She sucks hard again and her fingers brush against my sac, sending a bolt of intense feeling through my body.


Her tongue drags against the head of my cock once more.

I cannot take it. Enough, I growl.

Emma immediately lifts her head, confusion on her face. “Everything okay?” Her mouth is wet and pink from her efforts, and I can feel more precum glide down the head of my cock just at the sight of her.


