Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

I need to be inside her. Now.

Everything is perfect, I tell her, and sit up. She backs off, surprised, and I get on my knees. Turn over on your stomach.

“Oh. Again?” she asks, surprised. “I thought we could…” Her mind fills with images of us, mating, our faces close together, belly to belly.

Humans do such a thing?

“All the time,” she tells me. “Do you not?”

A female is always mounted from behind.

“Oh. I just…” She shrugs. “If you want.” But she is bothered by the thought. She does not like the idea of being mounted. It feels cold to her. Uncaring.

I do not want her to think this way. We will do it as you like, I tell her. We will try it. I caress her cheek. You mounted me before and that was different. I can try different again.

She blushes, but it is clear from her thoughts that she is happy with this compromise. “I just thought it might be more intimate to try it that way. If you don’t like it we don’t have to do it again.”

I am sure I will like it, I reassure her, and I know it is true. I will like mating with her any way she likes. It is claiming my mate and filling her body with my seed, no matter how we do so.

She smiles and lies back on the blankets, then raises her arms to me. She looks lovely and soft this way, her hair spreading out around her head.

I run my claws lightly down one arm and then down her thigh, then push them apart. Are you still wet for me?

I sense her shyness at such a question, but she nods. I ease my body between her legs, getting on all fours and moving over her. She touches me as I do, her hands moving over my arms and on my chest. I take one of her thighs and run my hand along her smooth skin. She immediately hooks her foot behind my back and tugs me a bit closer, pulling me down until my cock rubs against the soft flesh of her cunt. She is as eager as I am, my Emma, and I rumble with pleasure at the realization.

My mate, I send to her, feeling a fierce, possessive pleasure at the sight of her under me. I like this, because I can see the soft expression on her face, can see her breasts rise and fall with her excitement.

I take my cock in hand to guide it into her warmth, but I cannot resist teasing her a bit more as she did to me. I drag the head through her folds, slicking it with her juices, and I love the sweet sound of her little cries. Are you ready to take my seed? I demand, the possessive feeling growing with every moment. I itch to claim her, to fill her soft cunt with my release. To let the soft clasp of her body milk me and take everything I have to give her.

“Please, Zohr,” she pants. “I need you inside me.”

The sound of my name on her lips is fascinatingly erotic. Tell me again, I order, and rub my cockhead along her folds once more, grazing it over her clit.

She squirms underneath me, crying out. “Zohr! Please!”

Do you want me to claim you?


Fill you? Possess my mate?

“Take me,” she tells me eagerly. “I’m yours.”

I slick the head of my cock along her cunt again. You are my mate, I tell her fiercely, possessiveness overcoming my need to tease. No one touches this but me. No one claims this but me.

“Yours and yours alone,” Emma agrees eagerly. “You’re the only one I want to touch. Ever.”

Her thoughts tell the truth of this. She has never been enticed by another male before me. I am the only one that holds her fascination, and I growl with pleasure at the realization. I am the first to touch her, ever, and I will be the only one to claim the sweet heat of her cunt.

With that pleasing thought, I fit myself at her entrance and push deep with one fierce thrust.

She cries out as I do, pleasure bursting through her mind. She is overwhelmed at the feel of my cock, and I groan at the sensation of her thoughts, even as her cunt squeezes my length.

Did I think her mouth felt good? Nothing compares to the clasp of her body. I can feel how she trembles with the sensation of my cock inside her. The urge to spill nearly overwhelms again, but I concentrate on giving her another release instead. Once she screams her pleasure a second time, I can fill her with my seed. No sooner.

Do you feel good? I ask her, even as I pump slowly into her body again. The slick feel of her as I sink in is the most satisfying of sensations. She moans in response and raises her other leg to lock around my hips, and when I sink deep, I push even farther in than before. This time, my groan matches hers.


