Fire in His Embrace Read Online Ruby Dixon (Fireblood Dragon #3)

Categories Genre: Alien, Dragons, Dystopia, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: Series: Fireblood Dragon Series by Ruby Dixon

Total pages in book: 115
Estimated words: 107619 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 538(@200wpm)___ 430(@250wpm)___ 359(@300wpm)

The other female is surprised. She says yes, but my Emma is a bit more reluctant. She glances over at me. Do we trust?

I nudge her with my nose. You are the one that knows these people. You tell me.

I don’t know her, Emma admits. I know Sasha. I think Claudia was one of the ones that helped in my rescue, though. I just…well, I don’t remember all that well because I told Sasha to hit me in the head and make things look good. I think Claudia’s dragon is the one that ate my brother, though. There’s a mixture of wry amusement and sadness in her thoughts. Then again, Boyd was going to try and kill us if we left.

If you wish for me to fight him, I will. I size up the other male. It will be a tough challenge with my inability to fly very far, but I will give my life to defend my female.

No way, babe. She sighs and chews on her nail, clearly torn. This is just me being suspicious of everyone. I just wish it was Sasha that was here. I guess we’ll have to trust someone in the end though, right?

I say nothing, because I know how she feels. I trust no one and nothing but my Emma. We are left with few choices, and as you say, we cannot do this alone. You decide.

She squirms in her seat, thinking. After a moment, she sighs heavily. Oh hell, go ahead and say hello to him. But if I lose you, I swear I’m going to burn this motherfucker to the ground.

I rumble with amusement. A fair deal.

With my Emma’s worried gaze upon me, I send a mental touch out to the other male, a gesture of acknowledgment.

Your little mate is fierce, comes the immediate reply. His thoughts are clear and full of amusement.

She is, I agree, full of pride at how perfect my Emma is. She seeks to protect me.

She does realize she is the size of a mere bite of food? the other male rumbles. No matter. Fierceness is a good thing. I am Kael. We mean you or your female no harm.

I am Zohr, I tell him. It is surprisingly comfortable to touch my mind to another male’s in companionship. It feels as if it has been a very, very long time since I spoke with another of my kind.

Seven human years, Kael agrees. Other than Dakh, you are the only one I know of that has retained thought enough to remember who you are. His thoughts grow a bit frustrated. I wish I remembered more, but most of my memories were destroyed with the Rift.

Mine, as well. I think it is one reason why we are so vulnerable to Azar.

The Salorian? His mind fills with acrid hate. He raises his head again? What does he plan?

Nothing good. My mate and I have much to share.

Come with us, Kael offers. Our aerie is safe. We will call Dakh and his female, and all of us will talk of a solution.

I look down at my mate’s worried, tense face. I know what solution we need—destroying the Salorian. But I am not sure we can do it alone. We need the others.

We will come.



I can’t help but worry over my Zohr as we ride through the city, heading toward the building Claudia and Kael have set up as their home. It’s not that I think the other woman and her dragon mean ill for us. I just…I’m always uneasy depending on others. Even with my dragon-mate, that hasn’t changed. I know he’s got my back, but the rest of the world…not so much.

You do not trust, Zohr sends me with amusement.

No one but you, I agree.

Claudia and Kael are apparently set up downtown, in one of the old, broken skyscrapers. I’m a little nervous at how high up their “nest” is in the sky. When she gestures at the building, I inwardly cringe. It looks like they’re on one of the top floors on what has to be a twenty-story—or more—building.

It is safe, Kael promises me. Zohr sounds confident.

I’m sure it is. Anything that high up and occupied by a dragon isn’t on anyone’s easy raiding list. I think of Zohr’s wings and worry he won’t be able to fly it. But staying on the ground isn’t a good idea, not after I let fireworks fly. Even I’m not naïve enough to think that Azar’s men won’t come to investigate—or soldiers from the nearby fort. It’s better to get away.

I’m just not sure if Zohr’s able to make it to the top of such a tall building, especially after traveling all night.

I can do it, he reassures me. Kael asks if you wish to have him carry you.

What? No! I’m almost offended at the thought. I don’t want to ride on anyone’s back but yours. To do otherwise seems like a gross betrayal of our intimate connection.


