Grumpy Mechanic – Grump Town Read Online Lena Little

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14671 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 59(@250wpm)___ 49(@300wpm)

"Maddie, darlin'. I love you, but that was six years ago. It's okay to let it go," he says, but even with his permission, I doubt I'll ever have the heart.

"I'll think about it, Dad. So, I have to go check on my listing to make sure the place is locked down before this storm comes in. I'm sure my car is fine, and I'll go right home⁠—"

"All right, but still call Mackenna."

"I will, Dad."

I'm not sure how much time passes after I put my phone away and the brooding mechanic quietly approaches me.

"Ma'am, you need some new tires. Those ones in the front are pretty bald. It's ruining the wheel alignment, which is what's making your steering column shake. How long have you been driving around like that?" he asks.

I scrunch my face and shrug my shoulders with uncertainty.

"That ain't no way to treat a car that old." He slowly shakes his head. "Anything older than seven years deserves a little bit more attention and care these days. You're lucky these kinds of cars last damn near forever, but only when you treat ‘em right."

"I'm sorry." My hands go up in surrender. "I thought I was treating her right. I've had it for over six years, and this is the first time I've had this issue."

"You shouldn't be driving on those tires. You maybe got a few hundred miles left on them, and that's a strong maybe. If you get the slightest puncture, they're done for. I recommend you leave it with me and let me order you some new tires. You can come back in a few days to pick it up. The wheel alignment will come free with the tire installation, and that'll stop the shaking."

"How much is it for just the wheel alignment?" I ask him as I run through my mental calendar. I have too many appointments to not have my car.

"If I do just the wheel alignment on those tires, you should head right on home until after this storm passes. Then come back here and let me order you some new tires. We have payment plans in case you don't want to fork over that kind of money all at once."

"Thanks, I can afford the tires. It's the timing I'm worried about. My business doesn't allow me to be immobile for too long."

Tall and handsome shrugs his shoulders. "Well, it's up to you. I didn't think you'd value your life even less than your car, but hey, I learn something new about the people in this town every day."

"Hey!" I hop to my feet and stalk toward him. "That's a shitty thing to say. What's your name? I'm going to report you to the owner of this place and let them know how nasty you're being to customers."

"Being honest and being nasty are two very different things, ma'am," he drawls, his gaze lazily dragging from my head to my toes. "From the looks of it and that car, you ain't had nothing done nasty to you in a long time."

My eyes widen as my cheeks burn with embarrassment and an unwanted sense of lust. "How do you know that? You know what? Never mind, don't answer that. You need to tell me your name."

"Chase Carpenter," he replies with a smirk and a tip of an imaginary cap.

"Chase, as in Chase Auto Body?" A second wave of embarrassment crashes over me.

"One and the same, ma'am. Now, when I talk to myself later tonight, what else would you like me to say about me as an employee?"

I scoff, folding my arms across my chest and refusing to look at his stupidly handsome face. "You think that just because you're attractive and own this shop, you can treat customers any way you want."

"No, I think anyone who walks into a body shop that's closed and demands their car be looked at after driving it into the ground is someone who doesn't care enough about others. So why should I care about what comes out of my mouth?"

"Closed?" I ask, trying to distract myself from his words. I immediately picture myself coming all over his mouth, and my core tightens with desire.

What the fuck is happening?

He nods. "Yes, ma'am, closed. As in the weather reports have issued warnings for everyone to close up shop for the next thirty-six hours. That was nearly three hours ago. I'll get started on your wheel alignment and get you out of here in about thirty minutes. How does that sound?"

"It sounds fine." My eyes dart around the space in desperation to avoid his penetrating glare. I let out a slow exhale and close my eyes before mustering up enough courage to tell Chase, "Thank you."

"Any time…" He pauses, tipping his head to the side. "Do you want to tell me your name so I know what to put down on the complaint you want to submit to my manager?"


