Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14671 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 59(@250wpm)___ 49(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 14671 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 73(@200wpm)___ 59(@250wpm)___ 49(@300wpm)
"Madison Monroe. You can call me Maddie." My words are low, riddled with embarrassment at my appalling behavior.
"Well, Maddie, I'll get working on your car."
Sure enough, after a half-hour, Chase makes his way over to me with my keys in his hand and my car ready to get back on the road.
"You should head back into town before it starts coming down," he warns with an insistence that's hard to ignore. Thunder crashes in the distance as dark gray clouds crawl across the sky, steering our attention to the incoming storm.
I catch a glimpse of worry in Chase's eyes, and my mouth moves with a mind of its own. "What's wrong?"
Chase inhales deeply and rolls his left shoulder backward. There's conflict in his eyes for a moment before a solution grumbles out of him. "Why don't you let me drive you where you need to go? That storm ain't gonna wait for nobody. Rain's coming, and from the ache in my shoulder, it's gonna be bad."
"I can make it home just fine. I have to head to the Garrett farm, and worst case scenario, I'll hunker down there until the storm passes."
"That old rickety place with the boarded up windows and dilapidated barn? What kind of business could you possibly have at a place that ain't seen nothing without fur and rabies scampering around?"
"I flip properties. I've been working on bringing up the property value all over Mercy, but that place is a bit of a passion project for me."
He rolls his eyes and scoffs. "Great, just another yuppie ruining our small town. It's people like you that—"
"People like me that do what?" I angrily quip, daring him to blame me for whatever disaster is circling his mind.
He lets out a breath and runs his fingers through his hair. "It doesn't matter much. You should get going and just stay off the roads by the Garrett place. That mud makes a real mess out there. I'm the only place close enough if you get stuck, and I'm closing up for the night."
I check my phone for the weather and look at the skies. There are still some pockets of light blue behind the storm clouds.
"Thanks, Chase, but don't worry about me. I'll be just fine."
Asoft rumble of thunder plants seeds of doubt in the gorgeous gray eyes of Maddie Monroe. Stubbornness and possible apprehension make it feel like she has a point to prove, but I hope she doesn't think she needs to prove anything to me. I'd much rather her be safe. Yet, she shrugs off my warning.
Maddie's words are full of false fearlessness as she says, "I've got plenty of time. Thank you for fixing my car so quickly."
"That ain't nothing but putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. Get that car into a shop as soon as you can."
Maddie simply gives me a nod of acknowledgment as I hand over her receipt and continues on her way. There's a brief thought that flashes across my mind as she gets in her car to drive away.
What if she stayed?
It's absurd. She's a prissy, entitled realtor who also happens to be stunning in a way that has me discreetly checking her fingers for a wedding ring.
Who am I kidding?
There's no way someone like her puts up with someone like me. As if to agree with that sentiment, the sky opens up for rain to drown our cozy little town. It doesn't matter that the sun was shining a few hours ago.
I find my eyes searching the road just to be sure she's heading back into Mercy when I catch a glimpse of her taillights. I groan as I see her heading toward the Garrett farm.
"She's as stubborn as a damn mule," I mutter to myself as I get back to closing down my shop for the storm. Something inside is tugging at me to make sure she's all right, and I make up my mind that once I'm done, I'll drive by the abandoned farm to make sure Maddie is safe.
Endless gray darkens the sky as rain pours from the clouds once I dart off to my pickup. The closer I get to the farm, the faster my heart beats. I can barely see beyond my windshield. I have to crane my neck as I slowly inch by the driveway.
There's no sign of her or her car. I have to guess she's fine and relent to the fact that she doesn't belong to me. I'm not in charge of keeping Maddie safe. It doesn't matter what my body wants. She doesn't want some random mechanic looking out for her, and I accept it.
However, the farther away from the farm I get, the worse the roads. Inches of rain and mud are giving my large pickup a run for its money. I'm not sure I'll make it back into town, but I know I'm close to my mother's house.