Hale Read Online Free Books by K. Webster

Categories Genre: Dark, Drama, Erotic, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 68920 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 345(@200wpm)___ 276(@250wpm)___ 230(@300wpm)

“Rylie’s gone,” Aunt Becky exclaims.

“She’s fine,” I mutter. “I was helping her with something.”

Rylie shoves the shirt over her head and then her arms through the holes. I rake my eyes over her tits that are still red from my mouth before she pulls the shirt down over them.

Aunt Becky’s silence is momentary and then her icy voice hisses through the door. “Open this door right now, Hudson Hale, or so help me I’ll get Randy down here and—”

I unlock the door and open it. Aunt Becky glares at me, her arms crossed over her chest. Her eyes take in my appearance. My hair hasn’t been combed from my shower earlier. I’m probably still sporting a boner. And I’m half dressed.

Her eyes dart over to Rylie, who nervously tugs at the bottom of her shirt but won’t meet Aunt Becky’s stare.

“What were you two doing in here?” Aunt Becky demands.

“She wanted to shave her legs and I didn’t want to leave her alone with the razor.” Mostly the truth.

“This is extremely inappropriate,” she bites out. “You’re both practically naked.”

Anger swells up inside me and I glower at her. “Stop,” I snap. “Stop whatever you’re insinuating. She’s my fucking sister.”

“Watch your tone, Hudson. I may be legally responsible for her, but I took you in because I love you, not because I have to. If I think Rylie’s safety is in jeopardy, I will send you—”

“My safety in jeopardy?” Rylie asks, her voice shrill. “You’re being crazy, Aunt Becky! He’s my brother!”

“Which is why you two don’t need to be locked in a dark bathroom together missing half your clothes,” Aunt Becky screams, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. “Rylie, go to your room. Now.”

Rylie’s eyes are watery and she shoots me a questioning look. I give her a small nod. She pushes out of the bathroom and leaves us be. The basement door slams behind her.

Gritting my teeth, I pick up the razor and toss it into the sink. Aunt Becky steps aside and I storm over to the dresser to hunt for a shirt.

“I know you two are hurting over your parents and then after what happened with Rylie but…” she trails off.

I whip around and frown. “But what?”

“But that can’t happen.”

“Me helping my sister? Me comforting her? And why the hell not?” I demand, my fury making my entire body tremble.

She shakes her head at me. “I’m not stupid. Whatever was going on in there was far from innocent. It was written all over both your faces.” Her nostrils flare. She’s disgusted with me.

“I have a girlfriend. I’m not fucking my sister,” I snarl as I storm over to my bag. No, I just wanted to. “I’m leaving.”

She lets out a heavy sigh. “That’s probably for the best. Put some space between you two. You’ve spent too much time together.”

I don’t answer her as I pack a bag.

I don’t even get to say goodbye to my sister.


“Rylie,” Aunt Becky says, her voice soft from the doorway. “We need to talk.”

I watch through the window Hudson’s taillights until they disappear. The moment they’re gone, I feel empty. An ache forms in my chest. I want to call him, but I knew this conversation would happen after she busted us.

My heart flutters at the still-fresh memory of holding his hot, rigid cock in my hand. I wanted to explore every part of him. Taste every inch. The sickness that simmers below my surface is bubbling more and more each day. Tonight, it splashed over onto Hudson.

We kissed.

We touched.

Tonight was ours.

“So talk,” I bite out.

She lets out a heavy sigh and sits on the bed. Despite her wearing her frilly pajamas, she resembles Mom and it makes my heart clench in my chest. When she’s being nice and caring, she’s a lot like my mother. In some ways, it makes me happy. In other ways, it makes me sad. It’s a reminder my mom is no longer here. Neither is Dad. It’s just me and Huds. Until the end.

“I need you to tell me what happened.”

I tense and cross my arms over my chest. “He helped me shave my legs.”

Our eyes meet and hers narrow as she studies me.

“It was inappropriate,” she clips out.

“He’s my brother.”

We have a silent standoff before she softens again.

“Did he, um, touch you?” Her brows furl together and she swallows.

“He had to touch me,” I deadpan. “He was shaving my legs.”

She bristles and straightens her back. “You know what I mean. Did he touch you inappropriately?”

Nobody has to know.

“No,” I lie, keeping my features impassive. At least I hope she can’t see through my mask.

“Good, because you’re still a minor and that could land him in jail, Rylie. Not to mention, there are laws about siblings being together in that way.”

I glower at her. “In what way?”


