Kincaid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 83970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

“I missed you while I was away,” I admit to her.

“I missed…”

I seal my mouth over hers before she can finish her admission. I stroke my tongue against hers, swallowing her moans as they escape the back of her throat. I can feel her hands on the back of my neck as she tries to pull me in closer. The bite of her nails on my skin as I keep myself from falling into her sends shivers over my entire body. The restraint I’ve built all evening, in order to be able to walk away rather than take her back to my place, is slipping with a simple kiss.

Scratch that, there is nothing simple about this kiss. The passion and greed I can feel from her matches mine. I no longer want this woman. Need is a more accurate word. The thought scares me enough to keep me grounded and sticking to my original plan.

“Em,” I whisper against her lips as I pull away.

“Come upstairs with me,” she pants against my lips.

I place my thumb over her mouth to keep her from speaking. If she asks me again, I’ll cave, and the last thing either one of us needs is to jump in bed because we can’t handle raging hormones. “Emmalyn,” I say with more strength now that my lips have been off of hers for a few seconds.

I’m going to tell her to stop. I’m going to tell her that there’s no rush. Instead, I watch as her tongue snakes out between her lips and lick the thumb I have placed on her lips. My eyes grow heavy with lust, and I nearly come undone when she draws my thumb into her mouth and twirls her tongue around the tip.

“Fuck,” I groan. “Em, don’t. Please, I can’t handle anymore.”

She winks at me playfully and reaches for the buckle of my pants as she leans in closer. I feel her breath against my cheek and then near my ear.

“What are you doing?” I ask dazed with all of my blood flow heading south, rather than staying in my brain where I need it most.

“You like blowjobs,” she pants seductively in my ear. “Let me suck your dick.”

My eyes snap open, and I grab her wrists, halting her from getting my pants open. I release her arms the second I see a hint of fear in her eyes.

“That’s not what this is.” I scrub my hands over my face. “That’s not what I want from you.”

She swallows roughly, and I know I’ve managed to hurt her feelings.

“I’m not good enough for a blowjob, Diego?” She snaps her head back in my direction, and her pain has turned into anger.

I reach out and touch her cheek gently. “You’re too good, Emmalyn.”

She huffs indignantly and for some reason, it makes me smile. “Look at me, please.”

Stubbornly, she waits a few moments before she turns her eyes back to mine. “Do I want you to eventually wrap your perfect, pretty lips around my cock? Of course I do.” She narrows her eyes telling me that the offer has passed, and I may not get another one.

I roll my lips between my teeth to keep from smiling, because even though she’s totally pissed right now, she’s very adorable.

“When I look at you, I don’t see a club girl, Emmalyn. You’re… more.” I use my finger to turn her face gently so she can see the sincerity in my eyes, as well as hear it in my voice. “I don’t just want to have sex with you or come down your throat. Don’t get me wrong, I mean I will, on both counts, but that’s only part of what I want from you.”

“What else could you possibly want from me?”

I ignore her question because the self-depreciating tone she’s giving me will only piss me off if I have to explain how amazing she is. She has no self-esteem; it’s another thing we’ll have to work on that her piece of shit husband tore down.

“Go out with me Sunday?” She grins at me but doesn’t answer. “I checked your schedule, and I know you’re off. Let me take you on a date.”

She laughs, and I have to admit I love the sound. She doesn’t do it nearly enough.

“Is that a yes?” I gently prod.

“Where would we go?”

“You’ll have to agree in order to find out, won’t you?” I can be stubborn as well.

Actually, I hadn’t thought about asking her out until the words fell out of my mouth, so I don’t have plans. I know I need to do something either super over the top or something incredibly simple. I have several days to plan and decide. I can almost guarantee that her ex-husband hasn’t wasted much time wooing her. I smile at the knowledge that I get the chance now. His fucking loss.


