Kincaid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 83970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

He jumps with an ear to ear grin, slaps me on the back, and whistles loudly to a blonde across the room. I watch as she downs her drink, grabs her purse, and heads to the front door.

“Thanks, Dad,” Kid whispers in my ear as he heads in the direction of his all-too-willing conquest of the night.

I go back to watching Emmalyn as she serves drinks, noticing how Jake keeps their interaction on a professional level. Kid told me he had been overly friendly her first night working, but Jake took his warning and hasn’t been inappropriate since.

“You guys alright?” Shadow asks as he watches me watch her.

“I think we’re better than we were last night.”

It’s the most I can give him because it’s all I know. By the time she got out of her shower, it was time for her to be at work. We didn’t have the chance to really talk; she was five minutes late as it was. Jake wasn’t upset at all; he’s a pretty laid back type of guy, but she was not happy about it.

I haven’t even had the chance to get my mouth on hers again. It’s been weeks since that kiss in the hallway back at the clubhouse, and my lips tingle at the anticipation of kissing her when I drop her off this evening. I have it all worked out in my head. I plan to date her, seduce her, and make sure she knows she’s safe. I know she has to trust me in her heart before she can trust me inside her body.

I watch her eyes light up as she walks toward us. Without hesitation, she steps into the space I quickly make between my legs. This is the third or fourth time she’s checked on us since she got to work and quickly learned I wanted her as close to me as I could get her. I trail my finger down her arms as she asks Shadow if he wants another beer.

Finally, she turns her undivided attention to me. I watch her mouth with barely harnessed restraint as she asks if I need another beer. My hand, which somehow has ended up on her hip, grips tighter when she sweeps her tongue along her lower lip, and I have no idea what she said or why we’re even in this damn bar.

The sound of a gruff line of cuss words and a breaking glass bottle pulls my attention away from her mouth. I look over at Shadow whose attention is on a scuffle across the bar.

“Why don’t you go grab us one more beer, beautiful. I think we’re going to go deal with these assholes before they ruin everyone’s night.” I run my nose up her neck before I let her walk away.

“Be safe,” she whispers in my ear before I pull away.


Just like any other night at Jake’s, Shadow and I had to handle two separate altercations. I think Jake lets us drink for free because we save him so much money on damages from stopping fights before they can get too terribly destructive.

Pulling up outside of Doc’s house, I grin at the sight of Kid’s bike already parked out front. We took Rose’s car this afternoon when we left because I didn’t want Em on the back of the bike late at night after a long shift.

“Will you or one of your guys always be at Jake’s when I work?” Emmalyn asks from the passenger seat, but makes no motion to get out of the car even though we’re parked and I’ve turned it off. It seems she’s not ready for the night to end either.

“Do you not want us there?” I shift in my seat so I can give her my undivided attention.

“No, it’s not that. I like knowing that one of the guys is there. I just don’t want to get used to it, and then one day no one is there.” She shifts her purse in her lap. “I feel safer.”

I reach my hand out, cup her cheek, and run my thumb over her bottom lip. “If you want us there, we’re there.”

“I think it may be best if it were one of your guys there instead of you.” The smile on her face doesn’t match the rejection she just dealt. “I messed up three drink orders tonight. Each one right after I left your table.” She lowers her voice, so it has a seductive rasp to it. “You distract me to the point of not being able to do my job.”

“For a second there I thought you were telling me to get lost, and you didn’t want to see me anymore.”

She shakes her head slightly, and her eyes glance down at my mouth. I can feel my body’s reaction to her attention in my pants, beginning to strain against the zipper of my jeans.


