Kincaid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 83970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

I blatantly pull my fingers from her and put them in my mouth. I knew the second I put my mouth on her last night that I’d never get enough of her taste, and I refuse to squander the opportunity to do it now. She sags slightly against my chest and a sense of pride at the ability to please her, even when my cock hasn’t been inside of her, hits me hard.

“Can I get used to that also?” she eventually says, turning in my arms. “Waking up to you is great, but shower orgasms are pretty high up on the awesome list.”

I smile at her and kiss the tip of her nose. “There’s a lot of things you’re going to want to get used to, Emmalyn.” I turn her so her hair is under the spray of the water so we can begin our actual shower now that each one of us is momentarily satisfied.


I sling a towel around my hips when I hear a knock on the bedroom door. Emmalyn’s eyes go wide at the intrusion, and I have to wonder momentarily if she’s ashamed to be caught in here with me.

“It’s just Kid with some of your clothes,” I explain. “I knew you’d need something to wear.”

She visibly relaxes and continues to dry her hair. I pull the bathroom door closed behind me because I’m not sharing the sight of her delectable body with anyone, especially not the horny, young man who will be spending almost every waking hour with her. I don’t need that image in his head while he’s required to deny his own needs, taking care of her. I trust him, but she’s beautiful enough to tempt the Devil himself.

“You’ll need to take her to get the rest of her things tomorrow,” I tell Kid as he passes over the backpack. He nods his understanding before I close the door in a rush.

I tap gently on the bathroom and hand the bag to Em as she opens it a crack, and then I began to get dressed. A few minutes later she emerges from the bathroom in short shorts and a tight tank top, and for once in my life I’m grateful for the New Mexico heat.

“Kid will take you to get the rest of your things tomorrow,” I tell her as I pull on a shirt.

“How long will you be gone this time?”

“I’m not certain, but I have to be back in three weeks for my cousin’s wedding.” Hoping for a certain answer I ask, “Will you go with me?”

She grins brightly. “Where is it?”

“Denver,” I tell her and cringe when her face falls slightly, and she shakes her head back and forth.

“Diego,” she says looking at her clasped hands. “I don’t think going back to Denver is a good idea.”

“Look at me Emmalyn,” I say and move into a crouch in front of her. “We’ll only be there one night. It’s a private event. I’ll keep you safe. You have nothing to worry about.”

Her eyes linger on my face for a long silent minute, but finally, she gives me a curt nod. “Okay,” she says weakly. “One night.”

I kiss her forehead and pull her against my chest. “I’ll never let anything happen to you, Em.”

Half an hour later we’re driving into town, and even though she’s asked several times, I refuse to tell her exactly where we’re going. I hold her hand on the center console of my truck and trace circles on the tender flesh.

“You’re so incredibly handsome,” she says completely out of the blue.

I smile at her.

“I’m serious. The second I saw you in the bar my steps faltered.”

“You took my breath away. The guys had mentioned you earlier in the week. Told me the most beautiful woman they’d ever seen was serving drinks in some shitty bar,” I admit to her. “They didn’t even have to point you out. The second I saw you I knew you were the one they were talking about.”

I look over at her briefly and see her cheeks blush.

“Then,” I said looking down at the now bare ring finger. “I saw your wedding band and knew you were off limits.”

“You found me in the hall. Were you looking for me?”

I roll my lips between my teeth. “I was…” Fuck. I’d never been ashamed of my hookups before now. Now I want to hang my head knowing I have to admit to her why I happened upon her and her piece of shit husband. “I had a girl with me. We were heading to the bathroom…”

She raises an eyebrow at me, and I have to look away from her. “She was going to suck your dick?”

I swallow roughly. “I saw your ring, Em.” It’s all I can say to explain why I was back there.

“And if I wasn’t wearing a ring? You would’ve pulled me to the bathroom to suck you off?” I keep my eyes forward but from the tone of her voice, she seems curious, not the slightest upset about the other girl.


