Kincaid – Cerberus MC Read Online Marie James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 83970 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 420(@200wpm)___ 336(@250wpm)___ 280(@300wpm)

I run the tips of my fingers against my thumb, the urge to touch her nearly unbearable. I don’t even know where I’d start if given the chance. Every inch of her tempts me into action, but I stand still and wait. I don’t want to overstep and ruin this moment. I need her to know she’s in complete control.

She takes a half step toward me, and my eyes are glued to the magnificent bounce of her perfect breasts. I now immediately know where I want to start my devotion to her body.

“You going to shower in your boxers?” she asks as she slides past me scoring my shoulder with her fingernail as she steps into the shower.

I strip my underwear off so fast my cock springs up and hits me in the stomach with a slap. I hear her chuckle from the other side of the shower curtain. I pull it back enough to step inside with her.

“You find my excitement funny?” I say with a smirk.

She looks down, and I know she sees my entire body bare for the first time. I see the awe in her eyes; I’m sure it is a direct reflection of the look I had on my face last night when I pulled the t-shirt up and revealed her neatly trimmed pussy.

“There’s nothing funny about your excitement,” she says with a hoarse voice without taking her eyes off of my erection.

“Ignore it,” I beg her taking a step closer. I slip my hand around her neck and pull her close enough so I can kiss her.

We moan in each other’s mouths when our lips meet. I angle my head slightly so I can take her mouth deeper, hardly hanging on to my control. My brain is screaming at me to lift her up, wrap her legs around my hips and slam into her. She may be horny and impressed with the thickness that is now pinned between us, but she’s not ready to go all the way with me.

I hiss when I feel her hand slide down my chest and wrap around me. “Fuck, Em,” I say against her lips. I kiss her harder and flex my hips using her hand to stroke up and down my length.

“You’re so hard,” she pants against my lips, then licks into my mouth, stroking her tongue along mine.

I groan when her stroking hand tightens even further. She pulls her mouth away from mine and looks down as my legs begin to shake with the first tremor of orgasm. The hot bursts of come coat both of our stomachs as jet after jet of semen wrenches from my pleased cock.

She looks up at me, her hand now leisurely stroking me until I have to pull my hips back suddenly, unable to handle the surfeit of sensation at the tip. Her salacious grin tells me she knew exactly what she was doing.

“Your turn,” I say. Spinning her around, I wrap one arm around her waist and let the other skate down her lower stomach as I latch my mouth on her shoulder, holding her to my chest.

I love the whimper that escapes her lips when I roughly drag my thumb over her already swollen clit. She’s slick and clearly turned on by having her hands on me. I waste no time and slip two fingers inside of her, letting my thumb rest against her tiny bundle of nerves. She moans loudly in my ear, and I have to do the same at the feeling of her tight greedy pussy gripping the fingers I have inside of her.

What started out as payback for a teasing grin is going to turn into more torture for myself if the twitch in my cock has something to say about this situation.

“Diego,” she pants against my cheek. “Kiss me,” she begs. I release her shoulder and run my tongue over the small indentions my teeth made in her skin and kiss her as best as I can at this angle. I slowly drag my fingers out of her and then plunge them back in.

I’m holding every ounce of her weight up with the arm I have wrapped around her, and I love that she’s able to let go enough to trust me to keep her safe as she greedily takes the pleasure I’m giving her. The frantic circling of her hips tells me she’s close, and I feel less embarrassed about my quick orgasm knowing I can take her over the edge just as fast.

“Fuck, Em. Come for me,” I say into her mouth and press hard with my thumb.

She stiffens, and a second later her tight pussy clenches my fingers harder than anything I’ve ever felt before. I hold my hand still and let her orgasm grip me repeatedly until the pulsing grows weak; then I begin to move my hand again prolonging it as long as I can until she begs me weakly to stop.


