Naughty Neighbors Read Online Free Books by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 22
Estimated words: 25457 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 127(@200wpm)___ 102(@250wpm)___ 85(@300wpm)

I don’t know how she knew though, I’d kept my feelings very well hidden, always on my best behavior when she was around, never letting on that I was falling for the sweet, shy, little innocent.

But now she’d been the one to make the first move. I looked down at my dick and shook my head. We could’ve at least tried to put up a good fight.

I’d planned to approach her dad first, do things right. There was no guarantee that he would go for it, but I’m not the type to sneak around like that.

Either way I intended to have her, but now the deed was done, I hope he doesn’t see it as a betrayal.

For her sake I would like things to be smooth, now I have to come up with a plan, the sooner the better. I snuggled back down beside her and drew her into my arms, after a kiss to her soft lips I dropped into sleep with her held close and secure in my arms.

Chapter III


I can’t believe I actually got Greg to fuck me. I thought for sure it would take a lot more than that; he’s been so aloof and standoffish lately.

I knew the first moment I saw him a little over a year ago that he was the man for me. I remember that day so vividly now.

I’d been in the hammock in the backyard reading as usual. It was a hot summer day and my only friend Jennifer had gone to the local pool with her boyfriend. Growing tired of always being the fifth wheel I begged off and decided to just hang around the house.

I saw the big moving truck pull into the driveway next door and put my book down on the grass, my interest now on the goings on next door.

The Millers had moved away months ago, a foreclosure I think. The place had been on the market so long we’d all despaired of it ever selling.

It was a big old Victorian in excellent shape because of the upkeep of the past few years.

I always liked that place, it was the nicest one on the block and I knew it went for a couple million at minimum.

The reason I was so interested though was because I was hoping for a teenage girl my age. Someone I could befriend since Jenny had become more and more scarce since hooking up with her boyfriend.

It wasn’t that I couldn’t find a boyfriend of my own if I wanted to, it’s just that the kids at my high school were so immature.

The boys were always talking about what they did to the girls the night before. Something I found rather distasteful, and so I stayed away from them. But boy do I wish I could find somebody to touch me sometimes so I didn’t have to do it myself.

Another problem I had was my size; my tits were still really small back then for a seventeen year old, compared to the other girls in my grade. There were even some younger ones who had more than I did up top.

My ass was nice I guess, at least I’ve heard plenty compliments about it. And my hair was beautiful the way it fell like a waterfall down my back to the top of my ass.

I had a pretty enough face I guess, but I wasn’t too jazzed about my eyes. I’d even fooled around with the idea of getting contacts at one point but gave it up when they irritated my eyes.

I was a little shy but not overly so, though to hear the jocks at school tell it, I was the ice princess. It was more that I was wary of their roving hands and wagging tongues than anything else.

I was also just a little bit sheltered truth be known, but inside beat the heart and pulse of your average teenager with raging hormones just waiting to explode over the least suspecting male.

I was also growing very tired of my damn virginity, I think I was the only one left of that dying breed in the whole school, probably the whole stupid town.

I knew freshmen who were getting more action than I was, then again even a simple finger fuck was more than I had ever scored.

So there I was with bated breath, waiting for the new family to arrive. This hot little sports car pulled in beside the truck and out stepped the hottest guy I’d ever seen in my life.

He was movie star gorgeous and I could tell from the way he stood as he spoke to the movers that he was one of those take control types.

My girly bits and taken notice and my breathing had never been the same since.

I’d used every excuse in the book since then to get close to him, to get him to notice me.

That first day I’d overcome some of my shyness to walk over with a welcome basket, since mom wasn’t home to do it.

I’d worn my shortest skirt and my tightest top, but he’d barely noticed. He kept moving around the room while we talked, not even looking at me.

I’d grown despondent and left after a half an hour or so, my nipples hard and between my legs wet. I went home and rubbed my kitty ‘til she was raw.

After that day I would watch him coming and going like a lovesick puppy. Then he and dad became friends and he’d spend lots of time at the house.

I loved those nights when he’d come over for dinner, I could just sit and stare at him for hours, or until mom asked me what as ailing me.

You see, I couldn’t let them know what I was up to or I would’ve been on the first bus to nana’s house a few states over.

My parents were pretty adamant that I was going to die a virgin. Anyway, all this time Greg was ignoring me except when he was treating me like a child. Asking me about school and what colleges I was applying to and stuff that I didn’t want to discuss with him.


