Naughty Neighbors Read Online Free Books by Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 22
Estimated words: 25457 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 127(@200wpm)___ 102(@250wpm)___ 85(@300wpm)

At night I’d lay in my bed and pretend it was him touching me. I’d make up these scenarios in my head where he’d fall madly in love with me and we’d get married and have a family.

But Greg was not interested. To add insult to injury he started dating. I didn’t speak to him for two weeks after the first time I saw him kissing some woman as he helped her into her car early in the morning, after she’d obviously spent the night. I was pissed and he knew it, though he didn’t know why.

But then something happened. Out of nowhere my body changed and so did those feelings inside. I was horny all the time and even my clothes were too much sometimes the way they rubbed against my skin.

Mom and dad freaked and acted like they wanted to hide me away somewhere, but that’s maybe because the boys started coming around more often.

I also noticed that Greg would give me these looks when he thought I wasn’t looking, though I didn’t let on, I started hatching a plan.

I flirted with the boys at school who I had no interest in whatsoever, but I noticed that each time my parents would complain to him about how wild I was getting, he would get a tic in his jaw.

So then I started complaining to him about how I wanted to do all those things that kids my age were doing, and my parents wouldn’t let me do.

I knew I had him though, when he started running off every boy I brought home.

Oh he wasn’t very obvious about it, but I’d get it out of them by the end of the night. It helped to keep their grubby paws off me too, because I always convinced them that he meant business.

It didn’t make for many repeat dates but it got the job done if today was any indication.

He had sent me home after my nap he said, before my parents got suspicious. But I knew it wouldn’t be long before I was back over there. As sore as I was, I wasn’t nearly close to being done with him.

I rolled around on my bed and hugged my pillow, dreaming about what else he was gonna do to me, I can’t wait.

Chapter IV


Shit, I had to call her dad over here under the pretense of having a problem. My conscience was bothering the shit outta me and I needed to take care of this shit before I gave myself an ulcer.

I’d sent her home so I could think clearly about how I was going to handle this. Can’t think straight with that pussy around, which spelt trouble for any future we might have if her old man didn’t shoot me dead.

How the fuck do you tell a man who trusted you that you’d defiled his only daughter? No I couldn’t leave it like this, besides I wasn’t sure that I could be without her for that long anyway, she’d hooked my ass.

“Hey Sam I need to see you over here a minute there’s a little something I need to discuss.” Yep I had made up my mind to take the bull by the horn.

Now usually I wouldn’t give a fuck about boning some guy’s kid as long as she was legal. But Sam and Donna had been nice to me and I feel kinda bad about plucking their daughter’s cherry.

“Hey Greg I was about to come see you before you called I’ll be right over.” He had a laugh in his voice and that made me feel even worse. I was about to fuck up his day.

He came to the door not five minutes later. “Hey Sam wanna grab a brew?” I led him back to the kitchen hoping that I didn’t end up having to kick my friend’s ass when he lost his shit.

I’m not real big on being hit and I’m pretty sure that that’s a possibility. The other thing is her being hit, which ain’t gonna fucking happen, so I have to be more than prepared for any eventuality.

“So which one was she?”

“Huh?” I had reached into the bar for a beer when he asked the question behind me with a grin.

“Last night, though I didn’t know you had a live one until this morning. You don’t usually let them stay that late, she must’ve been special.”

Oh fuck. “You saw her?” That can’t be, he would’ve recognized Chrissie for sure.

“Nope heard her.” He rocked back and forth on his heels with his hands shoved into the pockets of his Dockers and the dumbest grin on his face.

This is bad this is so fucking bad.

“What do you mean you heard her? Had she really been that loud?

“Like I said, I was about to come see you. I walked over earlier but from the sound of things I figured you were busy. Screamer huh? I remember those days, now with the kid in the house the wife and I have to be quiet.”

I’m going to be sick. I’m going to upchuck whatever the fuck is in my stomach right fucking here and now.

“So what was it you needed?”

“Oh you know, it will keep, you said you were coming to see me, what’s up?”

“Oh Donna and I need to go to her parents for the next few days. Her mom needs to go have some test and stuff done and the old man isn’t doing too well so it’s our turn since Donna’s sister did it when the old man had his stroke.

Crystal refuses to go, and since she’s eighteen we don’t want to force her, but, we don’t want her over there on her own, so we want you to keep an eye on her while we’re gone.

It’ll just be until Thursday, if it changes we’ll let you know, but you know school is out and I don’t want her getting into trouble. She already knows no boys allowed over, I know you can’t have eyes on her twenty-four seven but...”


