No More Spies (Masters & Mercenaries – New Recruits #4) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Masters & Mercenaries - New Recruits Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 153
Estimated words: 144571 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 723(@200wpm)___ 578(@250wpm)___ 482(@300wpm)

So her sister thought she was going to fuck up. She had no intention. “If it’s my very last shot, my ‘don’t collect two hundred dollars, go directly to jail if I don’t take it’ shot, then I should make it a good one. I might be late tonight, sis.”

“Because you’re going to sit down and have a long heart-to-heart discussion about years of pent-up feelings?” Kenzie asked but in a way that let Kala know it was wishful thinking.

“I thought I would ride him like the stallion he is and get him out of my system,” Kala explained. “I really did do the whole almost dying thing, and when I came out of it, I realized I want to experience that man’s penis.”

“You are so close,” Kenzie insisted. “Move about two feet up and I believe you’ll find the part of Cooper you need.”

“I do not need his man nipples.” She wasn’t giving Kenz an inch. This wasn’t a love connection. It was a physical need they obviously both required to move on.

“I’m talking about his freaking heart.”

Kala walked out because the one thing he didn’t want from her was her heart. She was fairly certain he didn’t think she had one.

Chapter Seven

Cooper sat back and watched her work.

“You were late on Friday,” she said in the deep, dark voice she used when working with subs. “Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

Matt Sims was a close friend of the Lodge family and a pretty hard-core sub. Gabe preferred working with women, as it was his sexuality that tied into his Dom identity rather than his core personality. Or the dude was horny all the time and didn’t want to put in the work if there wasn’t a chance he might get something out of it.

So they’d inherited Matt, who was submissive to his core and also bad at being on time.

“I’m sorry, Mistress.” Matt was down to a Speedo and nothing else, on his hands and knees on the floor, head down and waiting. He was in his mid-twenties and hadn’t found a permanent dominant partner yet, though not for lack of trying. He’d run through most of Dallas’s gay Doms. Another reason he was here with them. “I didn’t hear my alarm.”

They were in what Cooper liked to think of as the red room. It was a room specifically equipped for all types of punishment. Or funishment, depending on your point of view.

How many times had he dreamed of getting her in here, laying her out across his lap, and slapping that gorgeous ass until she agreed to never deny him again? So many times.

But he knew he was ready when he saw himself laid out and her giving the punishment. When he realized he would do anything for her. When he decided his love didn’t have to be a selfish thing.

Convincing her was going to take time, and he was determined to be patient.

“Whose fault is that, Mattie?” Kala asked, tapping the paddle she carried against her palm.

“Mine, Mistress,” Matt said, every word flavored with anticipation.

“And what happens when you’re a bad boy?”

“I get punished.”

Normally he enjoyed these sessions. Sometimes they were the only times he and Kala connected, but something was off with her this evening. For one thing the baddest Domme he knew looked soft, her pink hair in long curls rather than ruthlessly slicked back. He liked her any way she came, but this was a particular treat.

Like when she came to the homecoming dance their senior year of high school in a blue strapless dress, her hair in an elegant updo that had everyone thinking she was Kenz.

Even him.

When he’d walked up to her and asked if Kala had stayed home, it had taken her a moment to reply. In that instant, he’d seen the hurt. Like he should have known. Of all the people in the world, he should have known.

She’d walked out without a word and he’d…well, he’d been crowned homecoming king and everyone had cheered, and he’d known it didn’t mean a damn thing.

How many times could he break her heart and still have a chance?

“It’s a count of a hundred. Do you want it from me or him?”

That got his brow to rise. He sat on the spanking bench, relaxing back like it was a chaise lounge or something. He was altogether too comfortable in dungeons.

It was good to remember he wasn’t the uptight, nervous, needed to be accepted kid he’d once been.

The dungeon was their place. Their palace.

Even if it needed some upgrades.

“Really? I thought this was your project for the night,” he murmured, watching the way she moved. Was her knee bothering her? She’d fucked it up on the Canada mission. Well, she’d had it injured by a man Cooper planned to kill.

“I like to give a sub a choice,” she replied simply. “Me or the Master, Mattie? Know this is only the physical punishment. I’ve got tasks for you to complete before our next session.”


