Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

But I don’t blame Jason or Jordan because this is just what happens when they walk into a room. Everyone’s head swivels, and women start to drool. Their black hair is so dark that it seems to absorb light, and those blue eyes flash, drawing all attention their way. Plus, I can’t help but sneak a peek downwards. The girls remarked on their assets being “long” and “hard,” and with my cheeks flushing, I can say that that’s definitely true. Those jeans are tight enough so that their ridges are apparent, and I go steamy inside with memories.

But my main concern is acting normal. I can’t let on that something happened between us. Besides, why are they here again? Jason and Jordan said it was to check on us, but I think there’s another reason, and I’m going to figure out what that reason is. There are just too many moving pieces for this to be a coincidence.

Meanwhile, it looks like most people are out to get their flirt on. The ladies are twirling their hair, tilting their chins coyly, and laughing at things that aren’t particularly funny. But I’m one to talk. I did some something scandalous a week ago, so what’s a little giggling and hair-twirling by comparison?

I’m able to get a little closer and can now pick up on the conversation. One woman, Nicole, is literally brushing up against Jason as if by accident. She’s got a plate in one hand, and she leans toward Jason, gently rubbing a big breast against his arm. Without looking at her, he moves away. Good. I mean, this apartment is small so it’s possible she’s just bumping into him accidentally, but I doubt it. Nicole’s a crafty one, and her actions look pretty deliberate to me. Do I even have the right to feel jealous? Well, it doesn’t matter because it’s bubbling up inside of me regardless.

Nicole’s big blue eyes open wide, in a sort of innocent way, as she turns to Jason once more.

“Why did some Abrahamic figures have two wives or more?” she asks while twirling a piece of her bright blonde hair around her index finger. It’s clear, at least to me, that she’s trying to steer the conversation into steamier territory, but under the guise of having a theological discussion.

Ugh. Her efforts are so transparent, and jealousy rears its venomous green head. It’s not like Nicole has any idea about what’s going on between Jason, Jordan, and me, but that doesn’t relieve me of the monster on my back.

“What do you mean by that?” Jordan asks, his expression neutral.

“Well, for example” Nicole starts, “Jacob. He had two concurrent wives, Leah and her younger sister Rachel. Is that okay? I mean, what do you guys think about that?”

The two of them take a second to think, but they don’t look stressed or frazzled about the question. In fact, the handsome men seem rather serene, even chuckling a little.

“Well, first things first. The story of Leah and Rachel was a different time with different mores,” Jordan starts. “Many people had multiple wives, but I don’t think that’s what we should be focusing on. What’s important is the quality of their relationship.”

“Exactly,” Jason adds. “Love is love. Who are we to judge how people express their love for one another? Loving in a triad is just as valid as any other configuration of love, and don’t forget – Rachel and Leah weren’t Jacob’s only women. He had handmaidens too, who were essentially concubines.”

I can’t believe they just said all that. Are they talking about us? About me? It seems far out, and yet it might be true. Is this their way of letting me know that what we’re doing is more than a roll in the hay?

It’s quite the way to get a point across. What I really want is for them to tell me straight, though. I want to know that what we’re doing is meaningful and valid.

“I guess so,” Nicole answers, but I don’t think she’s fully convinced. I wonder what she was hoping to hear. I wonder where she was planning on taking the conversation initially. “But don’t you think having concubines is just wrong? I mean, with the handmaidens Bilhah and Zilpah, that meant Jacob was essentially with four women simultaneously.”

Jason shrugs.

“Hearing new ideas can be challenging at times, but we just have to remember that we are all God’s children and people have a right to love whom they want to love as long as they aren’t hurting anybody. Triad and polyamorous relationships really aren’t that crazy or insane if you look at them through this lens,” Jason elaborates. “According to the Bible, these types of love formations have been happening since the beginning of time.”

I don’t think I’ll be able to hide my growing heat any longer. The more they talk about relationships, the more anxious I’m going to get. I let out a cough accidentally, bending over as I hack away.


