Playing With Her Priests Read online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 73425 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 367(@200wpm)___ 294(@250wpm)___ 245(@300wpm)

“Well,” Jason starts. I turn my head to look over at him. He’s looking straight into my eyes, his gaze serious. “For one, this isn’t the first threesome that we’ve had.”

“Threesome? So we’re going to be a threesome?” I haven’t been sure how to label what we had even in the most basic sense. They’ve used triad before, and that sounded okay. I think on some TV show I had been watching, someone else called it a throuple. Who knows?

Jason nods.

“In actuality, threesome isn’t even the right word,” he acknowledges. “Because it’s far too casual and when people hear that word, they think college hook-ups that get out of hand. That’s not us, obviously. What we do strive for is a true relationship with the woman we date, with her as the “pivot,” I guess is a good description. Jordan and I don’t date one another, but we share a woman so that we’re able to meet her needs better. But it’s fine because in the end, it doesn’t really matter what you call it. So long as the people involved know what they’re doing and what it means, any labels are unnecessary.”

I instinctively remove my hands from theirs. I’m not upset, just surprised. Maybe surprised isn’t even the right way to say it because I’d already suspected that I wasn’t their first. From the beginning, Jason and Jordan knew what they were doing. That plus the fact that they’re handsome, masculine alphas. They know their way around women, and making love to them never felt clunky or awkward.

I look at them closely.

“Why do you guys share women again?”

The two of them exchange a look and shrug.

“That’s a good question, and one we’ve pondered many times ourselves. Sometimes, we’re not totally sure ourselves,” Jordan answers. “I guess we’re both busy men, and sharing a woman helps us get her needs met. Where I lack, Jason picks up the slack and vice versa. We’re able to give whomever we’re with the attention and love she deserves, and she gets double the pleasure.”

I nod because that makes sense. The first time we got together, Jason and Jordan made love to me in two very distinct ways. Jordan was sweet and loving, while Jason was rougher with a very dominant streak. Apart, it was pure ecstasy, and together, ten times that. After all, they work so well in conjunction with one another. One of them isn’t better than the other or more skilled. It’s more that, together, I can feel myself fully satisfied.

“I think I understand what you’re saying. You’re both really sweet and kind, but there are also differences. I like how you complement one another.”

Jordan nods.

“And we love the way you fit into our lives.” I try to hold in my smile, but I can’t. It breaks across my face, cheek to cheek.

There is another thing at the back of my mind, though.

“What about the Promise Vow I took? I know we spoke about it before, but it was in passing.”

The vow’s an issue because I’m having doubts about it now. When I took it at the beginning of the semester, I never thought that I’d reconsider, but the future had something else in store for me. I don’t think I’d be terribly upset if it was null and void. Is that even possible? It would be unfortunate if I wasn’t able to keep what was essentially a promise to myself, if I’m going to be honest. But I don’t feel like what the three of us are doing is unholy or blasphemous either. After all, I think I made a good choice choosing Jordan and Jason as the men I want to be with, but I’d still like to know how my vow fits into all of this regardless.

I look at them with troubled eyes.

“Can I say I’ve been honoring that vow even though we’ve been together several times in … er, the back way?”

Jordan and Jason look at one another. Jason has his eyes narrowed, a tell-tale sign that he’s thinking deeply. After a few seconds, they nod and turn back to me.

“It depends, sweetheart. Every vow is different, and the interpretation of the same vow can be different too. In general, these vows are about keeping your chastity before marriage. It stems from the idea that premarital sex is a sin, but many Christians don’t really believe that. It’s a throwback from the olden days when birth control was unavailable.”

I stare at them.

“You mean, the abstinence movement stems from a lack of birth control? How is that even possible?”

Jordan nods.

“Things were really different even fifty years ago. Back then, hormonal birth control wasn’t widely available, and as a result, there were a lot of unplanned pregnancies. Not to mention the fact that economic opportunities for women were pretty much non-existent. As a result, if a woman had a baby out of wedlock, she was pretty much screwed. If the father didn’t marry her, she had no way to support herself or the child, and most likely had to give the baby up for adoption.”


