Preppy: The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Two Read Online T.M. Frazier (King #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Crime, Dark, Drama, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King Series by T.M. Frazier

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 74225 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 297(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

“Stop,” Preppy said, holding up a hand.


“Stop!” he said. “God damnit, Doc! You should have told me. I would’ve been there for you. I would have come running if I knew you’d just lost our baby. You shouldn’t have been alone for that.”

“I’m just so so...”

My apology was cut short when Preppy descended on me, crushing his lips against mine. I squealed as a surprising bolt of confusion and desire pulsed through my entire body as his kiss grew deeper and more desperate. He lifted me off my feet and swung me around, pushing my back against the wall next to a door marked OFFICE. I opened my mouth to him and when our tongues tangled together he groaned and used his knee to spread my legs further apart. My dress rode up my thighs, one less layer between us as his hands met my bare ass.

A thin strip of wet cotton was all that was left to cover me.

Preppy rocked against me, groaning. I gasped into his mouth when I felt his hard cock, huge and ready, against my core. “I thought,” I started, searching his face. The chords in his neck were tight. His face was flushed.

Preppy chuckled and spoke against my lips. “I thought too, Doc. I guess my cock was just waiting for the right place and time.”

“A church during an NA meeting?” I asked with a smile, panting as my body responded to his every touch. He rocked against me again, harder this time. My insides clenched, needing him to fill me, wanting him deep inside of me.

“If my cock wants to fuck you in a church then who the fuck am I to argue?” Preppy asked before pressing his lips back to mine and continuing the agony of the most passion filled kiss I’d ever experienced in my life. “I’ll take it as a sign from God that I should fuck you right here and now.”

“What?” I asked breathlessly, as Preppy dipped one hand between us pushing my panties aside. The second his fingers connected with my delicate flesh I bucked off the wall and Preppy grabbed me tighter by the waist, pulling me in closer, locking me to him.

“Shhhh, gonna fuck you, Doc. Gonna make you come so hard you’re gonna drip down my fucking cock,” he said, his voice low and raw as he circled my aching clit and I writhed for more.

“Is that what’s happening? We’re fucking?” I asked. “Because there is a room full of people in there that will be coming out of those doors in about ten minutes or so.”

He stared deep into my eyes. “Doc, I’ve waited way too long for this. I don’t care that it’s in a church. I don’t care if we have an audience gathered around us. I don’t care if the cops show up and try to drag us away because I won’t let them. All I care about is this and us. Right now. Right fucking now,” he groaned inserting a finger inside me. “Holy fucking shit, Doc. You’re tighter than I remember. Holy fucking shit.” Preppy looked around and then back to me. “Here,” he said, reaching for the door handle marked office and carrying me inside the small room. “But only because I know once I get inside that tight fucking pussy that I won’t want to come out for a while.”

My insides screamed for his words to be reality and I was embarrassingly wet, dripping down my inner thighs.

Inside the room was small. A few computers lined one of the walls with a desk in the middle and a small couch on the other side. At one of the computers, sitting in the dark, was a portly guy around his early thirties with a shaved head. When we barged into the room he stood up abruptly, knocking over a chair as Preppy set me down but didn’t let me get too far, he held me close to his side. “Get out,” Preppy instructed the man.

“Hey! Hey you guys can’t be in here,” he said, pulling up his dress slacks which were already well above his bellybutton and fumbling to close his zipper.

“Get out now or before the pastor finds out that his assistant pastor was in here looking at porn during church hours,” Preppy warned, nodding to where a naked busty blonde was laying spread eagle on the screen of the computer the man had just been sitting at.

“Preppy? Is that you?” The man said, adjusting his glasses and taking a step closer. “You know; I’d heard that you were back but I didn’t...”

“Out now. We’ll catch up later,” Preppy asked with a certain amount of pleading in his demand.

“Oh yeah, of course, man,” he said, gathering up some papers from the desk. He tossed Preppy set of keys on his way out the door. “Lock up and put the key in the donation bin outside the door. Good to see you Preppy,” he called back, sounding both cheerful and just a little bit afraid as the door clicked shut.


