Preppy: The Life and Death of Samuel Clearwater, Part Two Read Online T.M. Frazier (King #6)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Crime, Dark, Drama, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: King Series by T.M. Frazier

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 74225 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 297(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

Preppy checked to make sure the door was shut but there was no lock to turn which explains why the assistant minister hadn’t locked it either.

Preppy wasted no time bringing my mouth back to his. He reached under my dress and pulled down my panties which I stepped out of. He backed me deeper into the room as I fumbled for his belt, grabbing him in my hand I gave his hot flesh a squeeze and his head fell back against the wall. His eyes closed. I squeezed again and he pushed my hand away, letting his pants drop to the floor. I went down to my knees, wanting to taste what was dripping down the tip of his glorious cock when he grabbed me by the elbows and kept me upright. “I want your mouth, Doc. I want all of you. But it’s been too fucking long and I just need to be inside of you. Right fucking now.”

“I just wanted to taste you,” I admitted, biting my bottom lip.

“Agh, don’t say shit like that. I want to last more than a minute,” he said, pulling me against him and kissing me until we were both groaning and writhing against one another. His fingers found my wetness and parted my folds, first one, then another fingers slowly entered me and I felt like as if I were going to combust. Heat, pleasure, sparks, and so much more pinged around in my body, turning every pleasure sense I had on high alert. I was alive with anticipation, a need arose inside me so fierce Preppy had be begging him with each stroke of his fingers.

“Preppy,” I begged, needing more.

Hearing the desperation in my voice and feeling it in my humming body he picked me up and pushed me against the arm of the couch, he pushed open my thighs, fisted his cock and lined himself up with my opening he pushed inside, just a half an inch and then he paused. I looked up to find him staring at me. “I can’t believe this is really happening. It’s you,” he said, repeating the words from the first time we saw each other again.

“It’s me,” I breathed, holding onto the sides of his face as he thrust the rest of the way inside of me. I cried out, not knowing who was around and not caring who heard. The fullness was shredding me open on the inside in the most delicious way. Pain only led to pleasure, especially when Preppy spoke, his words fanning the flames of the fire that was already burning volcano hot. “Fuck, Doc. You’re so fucking tight. Holy shit. Your fucking pussy is so tight it almost hurts. How is this possible...ahhhhh,” he cried out, closing his eyes tight. “You feel so fucking good. Better than I remember. Fucking perfect.”

“No one, since you,” I admitted, the pleasure and emotions crashing into me so hard tears again dripped from the corners of my eyes as I struggled to maintain a hold on it all.

His eyes shot open and met mine and he smiled. His eyes half hooded, when our eyes met. He reached down and lifted my dress up above my breasts. and leaned over me, pushing me back further onto the couch, bringing my knees up against his chest as he gave me every inch of his big cock, pushing inside of me in long hard strokes. The way he pulled out brushed my tender bundle of nerves just inside my pussy and sent sparks up my spine.

Over and over again the sparks ignited until my entire body was on fire, an inferno of need ready to combust. Preppy picked up his speed. “You’re so fucking close. I feel it. Kiss me. Kiss me when you fucking come.”

Our lips met and I closed my eyes on instinct, lost in sensation. “Open your eyes,” he demanded. “Kiss me and look at me when you come. I want you to see me,” he said. Three more thrusts, I lifted up my hips as much as I could in my position to take as much of him as I could. With my eyes open and my lips on his, the fire burned out of control, shooting down my spine, my entire body contracted and spasmed in one endless burst of pleasure that had me screaming into Preppy’s mouth. I was still riding my orgasm by writhing on his cock when he stilled and our lips separated as he growled through his own release, hot streams spilled inside of me, his cock pulsing for what seemed like minutes. Even after he pulled himself from me a minute later spurts of white were still dripping from the tip, falling onto my clit.

“Holy fucking shit,” Preppy said, trying to catch his breath.

I laid there, at an awkward angle on the side of the couch, staring at a cross painted on the low ceiling of the office. My limbs jello as I tried to remember how to breathe or even sit up.


