Sawyer Read online Samantha Whiskey (Carolina Reapers #2)

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Carolina Reapers Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 80203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

Shit. I’d fallen for her.

Three months. That was all it had taken. I loved her.

She turned slightly and brought her mouth to mine. Then she kissed me, taking it light and slow. She opened under me, and I took the kiss deeper, stroking my thumb down her neck as I melted into everything she was.

I craved this woman on a level I’d never experienced before.

The kiss turned passionate, and soon lazy sensuality was replaced with a primal heat that sent my hands to her breasts. I broke my mouth away and twisted her so her ass was against my groin again. “Just relax,” I whispered, lightly nipping her ear.

She shivered.

Then I sent my hands questing, first to her breasts and those velvety hard nipples, then down her ribcage. I traced the curve of her hips, then lifted her so she sat in my lap, her thighs spread over mine.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” I growled at the sight before me as the bubbles faded.

“Sawyer,” she squirmed against my cock. “Touch me.”

The bathwater was comfortably hot, but her pussy was even hotter, enveloping two of my fingers in a slippery, silken grip as I thrust into her.

She cried out, arching against me, and I nipped at her neck where it met her shoulder.

“Is this how you touched yourself that night on the phone?” I asked.

“Mmmmm.” She nodded. “You’re better at it, though.”

“Touching you?” I grazed my thumb over her clit and thrust my fingers inside her again.

“God, yes.” She rocked her hips, taking what she wanted from my fingers. “You somehow know what my body wants before I do.”

I flexed my jaw, beating back the impulse to lift her a few inches and replace my fingers with my cock. This wasn’t about me. This was about her.

“You know what I think?” I asked softly between open-mouthed kisses on the side of her neck.


I withdrew my fingers slowly, and when she whimpered in disappointment, I thrust in again, then curled my fingers at her G-spot and rubbed. Her nails bit into the back of my neck, and I felt her moan in every inch of my dick.

“I think you like the loss of control.” I kept pumping at that spot, and her breaths changed, coming shallower and faster. “You see, when you’re touching yourself, you know exactly what you’re going to do.” I flicked her clit with my other hand, and she gasped.

“Sawyer!” she demanded, her voice pitching higher.

“I fucking love the way you say my name. Half-plea. Half-demand. All mine.” I rubbed her clit hard for two, three seconds, and her back bowed as she cried out. “See, you like my fingers better because for once in your life, you’re at someone’s mercy.”

I stilled completely, and she gasped.

“Please.” She turned and brushed her lips across mine.

“You’re at my mercy,” I whispered, then slid my fingers inside her again, stroking her deep. She fluttered around me, her muscles pulling at me in desperate need of release. “You melt for me because you can trust me.” I wasn’t sure how many people she could say that about in her life, but at that moment, it was more important to have that trust than the body that was driving me insane with lust.

She stiffened slightly, but she was too lost in her passion to fight me on it—if she even would.

I curled my fingers again, giving her what she wanted, but I gently stroked her clit, backing away when she’d rock for more pressure. “Say it.”

“Sawyer!” My name was a hot pant of breath against my own lips as hers trembled.

“Say it.” I swirled my fingers over her, pumping my other hand inside her.

“I trust you,” she admitted softly, and I saw the truth of it in her eyes, even with the desire thick enough between us that I knew it had the chance to bind us for forever.

I kissed her deeply and gave her the pressure she wanted. She came apart in my arms with a scream, her pussy gripping my fingers so tight that I almost came against her back—I was that close.

Fuck, I needed to be inside her. Needed to feel her pulse around my cock, not just my fingers. Needed to come inside her so deep that she’d feel me even when I wasn’t with her. Because I couldn’t be with her every day. Hell, I was leaving in a few hours. All we ever had were stolen hours, and it wasn’t enough. I needed more. I needed her.

She twisted in my arms and straddled my thighs. I’d expected to see some of that fire banked in her eyes now that she’d had a release, but as usual, she demolished my every expectation.

Her mouth met mine in a kiss that cost me my common sense. Or maybe it was just Echo. Either way, her arms looped around my neck, her tongue tangled around mine, and I forgot everything outside the incredible woman in my arms.


