Sawyer Read online Samantha Whiskey (Carolina Reapers #2)

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Carolina Reapers Series by Samantha Whiskey

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 80203 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 401(@200wpm)___ 321(@250wpm)___ 267(@300wpm)

Need raged inside me, demanding I thrust inside her and take us both to completion again. But something kept me from sliding her down over me and doing exactly just that. I was simply too lost in kissing Echo to remember exactly what was stopping me.

She rocked forward as the kiss took on that sweet edge of desperation, and I knew she was right there with me.

“God, I need you inside me,” she groaned against my lips.

Her ass filled my hands, and I jerked her against me, until my cock slid against her pussy. She was slicker than the water, and my dick pulsed in time with my heartbeat as I rested at her entrance.

“Sawyer, please,” she begged, resting her against mine.

Our breaths were ragged, our bodies so hot the cooling bathwater felt even better against my skin. Above me, she was silk and fire, and everything I’d never realized I’d been missing in my life. The wild in her called to me, broke the restraints I kept not on my body—but my heart.

And I loved her.

God, I loved her.

“Give me a second, and I’ll get you to bed,” I promised.

“I can’t wait.” She shook her head. “Baby, I can’t wait!”

Maybe it was the way she’d called me baby, or simply the urgency in her eyes, but I gave her what she needed. I arched my hips and drove into her with a long thrust, groaning as she rippled around me, taking every inch of me until her ass rested against my thighs.

“Holy shit, you feel incredible.” The pleasure was so intense that I had to take a few breaths so this could last. She was hotter, tighter than ever, and so wet that I felt every inch of her as I glided again, pulling out slightly only to thrust deeper.

“Yes!” She arched, throwing her head back as I thrust again, putting her breasts right at my mouth. I licked and sucked at her nipples as she started to ride me, rising on her knees and taking full control.

She took me shallow, a wicked gleam rising in her eyes. When I rubbed my thumb across her clit, she sank down again, taking me deep. Then, playtime was over as she locked her mouth to mine and fucked me hard, sloshing the water over the sides of the tub with each rock and swirl of her hips.

The tight heat drove me mindless, and when she started to tense above me, and I felt that clench in her muscles, I gripped her hips and held her still as I thrust up deeper, harder, faster, until I managed to press on her climax-sensitive clit with a thumb and she came around me.

Pleasure gripped me tight and wouldn’t let up, pulling my orgasm from me in a rush of ecstasy so fierce I let out my own shout as I emptied into her in what felt like the longest, hardest orgasm of my life.

We held onto each other as we both came down from the high. Holy shit, I’d never felt anything like that in my life.

“Echo, that was…” I shook my head, trying to think of anything I could say that would come close to explaining my feelings. “I love you.”

Well, that wasn’t what I’d planned on.

Her eyes flared, but instead of climbing off of me and screaming that we’d agreed to a no-strings...whatever, she simply smiled at me, more beautiful than I’d ever seen her.

“Good, because I love you, too, and I didn’t want to be the only crazy one.”

Joy hit me so hard and fast that I felt drunk with it. “You’re not,” I promised her, then kissed her hard. “But as crazy as we both might be, I need to get you out of this water. It’s not exactly warm anymore.”

She laughed, and the sound cracked open the last of my restraint when it came to her.

“Is crazy okay?” she asked with a lopsided grin.

“Crazy is the best.”

I groaned as she slid off me, and then flinched as the cold water hit my cock. I used the sides of the tub as leverage and then stood, quickly getting out and locating a towel for Echo. Once she was out and wrapped up in thick terry, I took one for myself and wrapped it around my hips.

That’s when I realized why the sex had felt even better than before.

“Holy shit.” My gaze jerked to meet Echo’s.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, reaching around me for her brush.

“We didn’t use a condom. Echo, never in my life have I ever forgotten to put on a condom. Not once.” It was as habitual to me as putting on my seat belt in the car.

She looked at me with wide blue eyes and then smiled. “It’s okay, West Coast. I’m on birth control. We’re covered.”

“But I wasn’t!”


