Seth’s Doll – A Kinky Married Couple Read Online KD Robichaux

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 66074 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 330(@200wpm)___ 264(@250wpm)___ 220(@300wpm)



And like a lot of things that have happened today—without much thought—I hurry over to the desk, snatch up the thick black Sharpie we use to make sale signs, and then squat next to the box as I pull off the cap and stick it on the back end of the marker. I carefully pull the tape off where it stuck, as not to rip the top layer of the cardboard off, and mark out the X revealed beneath. Then, I write what my head was begging to see.

Now, on the front of the giant box, it reads SETH’S DOLL.

And my heart thuds in my chest as the most brilliant idea for my husband’s birthday hits me all at once.



“That. Sounds. Perfect!” Vi exclaims at my idea, who has joined us this time at Crystal’s studio. All the kids are hanging out with her husband Corbin, Seth, and the other member of the team and co-owner of the club, Brian. His lovely wife, Clarice, is currently marveling at one of the silver poles, her mouth hanging open as she makes it spin with a push of her finger. Doc is at work, or I’m sure he’d be there soaking in all the uncle time with the guys, since every single one of our children absolutely adore him… just like all us adults do.

“Yeah, sis. He’s really going to be blown away. Don’t you think, Clarice?” Astrid calls over her shoulder from where we’re sitting, legs crisscrossed as we flap them like butterfly wings.

“They fucking spin on their own! All this time, I thought the dancer somehow spun herself around the goddamn pole! My mind… is blown. I am shooketh,” she responds instead—something she’s been repeating since she first walked in and saw the rest of us playing around on the poles. I even managed to hold myself up for a full revolution without falling.

“We’ll take that as a yes,” Astrid says, reaching over to squeeze my knee, and we all laugh.

“Now, the question is… how the hell do I pull it off? It’s a good idea and all, but I feel like I’m setting myself up for failure. I’m basically going to need an entire personality transplant, or I’m going to look stupid,” I confide my worries to the group of women I love most in this world.

Crystal’s strong voice makes me sit up straight, like I’m a kid getting in trouble for slouching. “Oh hell nah, girl. Not on my watch. We have… four days to whip you into shape. And dammit, you will, even if I have to bring out an actual whip to make it happen. You hear me?”

Her eyebrow arches in an extreme angle, making her look terrifying when combined with that look on her normally beautiful face.

“Yes, ma’am,” I squeak, then clear my throat, everyone in the room letting out nervous laughter.

Well, except Clarice. While three of us identify as fully submissive, she is perfectly suited for her role as a switch. And instead of nervous laughter, she finally pulls her attention away from the spinning pole to give us all a wicked grin.

“Yaaas, bish,” she purrs. “Sic her.”

Crystal cackles, scooting to the side to make room in our stretching circle for Clarice, who comes over to plop right next to the intimidating woman. Clearly though, Clarice doesn’t find her threatening at all, instead seeming to have found a kindred spirit. They high-five, and then both of them turn their eyes on me at the exact same moment. It’s utterly chilling, and I gulp unconsciously.

“So what’s the real problem? In order to pull off this surprise, what is the main issue that has you saying you’ll need a whole personality change?” Crystal asks, her tone gentling a little.

I consider her question, and while there’s quite a few things I’ll need to work on, one flaw in particular will be the downfall of the whole present if I can’t overcome it.

“I’m a freezer.” At everyone’s confused look, except for my sister, because she’s always known this about me, I prompt, “You know how we’ve all got that fight-or-flight instinct?” They nod. “Well, there are also two more reactions that aren’t as talked about—freeze and fawn. Freezing is my default mode. When I come face-to-face with something stressful, I have a tendency to… get stuck. I don’t start swinging fists or run away. I’m like a deer caught in headlights. My whole body, including my brain, just shuts down.”

Clarice is nodding before I even finish explaining. “I’ve totally seen this. When I would travel overseas to photograph inside warzones, I saw all three of the responses. It’s actually how Brian and I got so close. He was one of the soldiers who fought like hell. Didn’t freeze. Didn’t run. He got us out of a deadly situation, and with his adrenaline running so high, he didn’t realize he’d been hurt. Badly. I didn’t leave his side, not even after he finally woke up in medical. He’s been stuck with me ever since.”


