Taking Her Down Read online Jordan Marie (Savage Brothers Second Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Savage Brothers Second Generation Series by Jordan Marie

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 71610 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 358(@200wpm)___ 286(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

“I’m not going anywhere. Call an ambulance for Chains, now!”

“The only thing I’d call for Chains is a hearse, but he won’t need that either. I’ll let the crows eat on him.”

“You will not! You will get him help now or so help me God, Daddy, I will never forgive you.”

“I can live with that. Now go get your ass in the shower.”

“No! Call an ambulance!”

“Bull, go throw her in the shower.”

“Uh… Boss…”

“Jesus,” I growl when it’s clear Bull isn’t going to do as I ordered. I step over the fuck-head bleeding on the floor and walk to my daughter. Her body goes solid as I approach her.

“If you so much as touch me, I’ll make sure you regret it,” she threatens, her voice quiet and definitely filled with anger and hate.

I ignore her and take her out of Bull’s arms. I don’t move fast enough because her leg moves back and then moves up with all the force she can and knees me in the balls.


That hurts like hell. For a minute I think I might throw up and make a fool of myself. I remain standing, but it’s a close thing. I toss Kayden over my shoulder and take her, kicking and screaming, into the attached bathroom.

“If you don’t get him help right now, Dad, so help me God, I will never forgive you!”

I ignore her, turning the water up as hot as it will go. When I’m sure it’s hot, but won’t peel her hide, I let her slide down onto the tiled shower floor. She sputters as the water hits her face.

“Wash that crap off of you. The last thing I need to be reminded of is how my daughter acted like a fucking prostitute for a man that’s too damn old for her—not to mention a fucker who handcuffed her to a damn steering wheel. Jesus, Kayden, what were you thinking?”

“I was thinking that I’m in love with Chains and we’re going to be together for the rest of our lives! You’ll just have to get used to it,” she declares.

“Let me clear this up for you, he’s not going to be alive, so that declaration means shit to me. Now shower so I can get your ass home to your mother.”

“I hate you!” she yells.

I push her back under the spray so some of that shit will leave her body. It’s mostly dried on her at this point, but you can definitely tell the fucker bathed her in it. I’m going to throw a fucking party once I cut off his dick and feed it to him.

“Get your ass under the water and you can hate me back in Kentucky.”

“I need you to promise me you won’t hurt Chains anymore. I love him, Daddy.”

“We can stand here and argue about it if you want, Kayden, but that fucker in there is bleeding out and every second you delay, you’re just making my job easier. We’re not leaving this place until you get his damn shit off your face and every minute I’m forced to stare at it just makes me want to kill him even more.”

“I’m never going to forgive you, Daddy. Never,” she yells. I close the bathroom door and ignore her.

Fuck it. I’m going to enjoy killing that son of a bitch, if for no other reason than just because of the shit I’m going through with Kayden. Hell, and I’m sure Nicole will give me just as much hell.

It’s too damn bad I can’t kill this motherfucker twice…



“My wife says I can’t kill you.”

“And that’s why I’m still alive?” I ask, wiping my busted lip off with the back of my hand. My breath is coming out in ragged spurts. I’m pretty sure I have a couple of cracked ribs. My eyes are swollen, and I can barely see out of one of them. My body is sore from fighting with the twisted motherfucker sitting across from me, but that’s it. Well, unless you count the bullet hole in my shoulder, but that was more from wrestling over the gun. I actually get the feeling he’s pulling his punches somewhat with me. Since I’m still fucking healing from the shot and sore as hell, I appreciate that fact more than I should, I guess.

“Part of it,” he says with a shrug like he doesn’t give a fuck and I guess he doesn’t.

“Guess I don’t need to ask who wears the pants in the family.”

“Fuck you. I just happen to like my woman’s pussy. If I kill you, she could decide not to give it to me. That wouldn’t work for me, so you’re still breathing. Don’t worry, I’ll probably kill you soon,” he says, sounding bored.

“How’s Kayden?”

“None of your fucking business.”

“Just tell me if she’s okay.”

“You want to tell me why you thought you could come into my town and lay your fucking hands on my daughter? I know you’re a fucking nomad, but you know how this shit works. You know to respect the fucking order of things. My daughter is fucking off limits, especially to a piece of shit like you. She’s too good for the likes of you. Hell, she’s too good for any of us.”


