Taking Her Down Read online Jordan Marie (Savage Brothers Second Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Savage Brothers Second Generation Series by Jordan Marie

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 71610 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 358(@200wpm)___ 286(@250wpm)___ 239(@300wpm)

I lean into her ear, nibbling on the shell, flicking my tongue inside it. I feel her body tremble against me and I don’t even try to hide my smile. I look in the mirror, our gazes lock in the reflection and there’s not a way in hell that she can disguise the fact that she’s turned on right now.

It’s radiating from her.

“Do it, Kayden. You don’t have a choice. We both know you want my dick. That’s what your little stunt tonight was about right? Pissing me off so I’d come down here and show you who you belong to?”

“I… Chains, we can’t. I didn’t mean for you to come here and...”

“Don’t lie to me, Baby Girl,” I warn her, letting go of her hair to let my hand trail down her back and over her luscious, thick ass. Jesus, she’s got a fucking great ass.

“Okay. I did. I mean, not here. I thought if I pissed you off enough you’d be at my apartment waiting on me…but, we can’t here, Chains. Anyone might come in. Jesus, my dad is outside somewhere.”

“You can’t play games with a man like me, Kayden. I’m not some lap dog that you teach to play fetch. I’m a man, Baby. Maybe you’ve forgotten that, but I’m going to take great pleasure in reminding you.”


“Now, put those pretty little hands on the counter and arch your ass out, Baby.”

“I, Chains, let’s think about this.”

I scoot back and then slap her ass—not too hard, but hard enough she gets the message. I’m not sure how she will react to it, but she gasps and her body trembles. Her sweet little ass pushes against my hand.

Jesus, she just gets better and better…

“Now, Kayden.”

She stares at our reflection. Her eyes are large in surprise, but smoky with desire, her breathing so ragged that I can hear it.

She slowly puts her hands on the counter, still watching me the entire time.

“Such a good little girl. Now tilt that pretty ass out against me, Kayden. Offer it to me.”

“Oh God,” she murmurs, licking her lips, as she does as I order.

“Not God, Baby. Just me. I own this pretty body now. I’m just going to have to remind you of that,” I rumble against her skin, after I move her hair out of the way, kissing the back of her neck.

“Chains, let’s go home. We can—”

“You aren’t going to talk me out of this, Kayden. You wanted my dick and I’m going to give it to you—but I’m going to give it the way I want and when I want.”


I gather her dress up in my hand and pull it up over her ass. She’s wearing a damn thong and looking at the way her ass cheeks look separated by that thin line of fabric, it’s a fucking wonder I don’t come in my pants.

I let my finger move against the thin white line, then slip my finger under it and pull it tight knowing that puts pressure on her pussy. I can smell her desire. I know she wants this—wants me.

“Chains,” she moans.

“I’m going to fuck you here, Kayden and you want me to, don’t you?”

“What if someone comes in?” she whimpers. Her hips move as she tries to ride her damn panties. She’s going to shatter for me and I’m going to enjoy every fucking minute of it.

I quickly undo my belt and the button and zipper on my jeans. I push them down on my hips, my hard cock falling out, the head already wet with my precum, the heated shaft, resting against her sweet ass.

“Then, they will know who you belong to, won’t they, Kayden?”

“Chains,” she whimpers as I slide my fingers back between her ass cheeks, and push against the small entrance there.

“You do belong to me, don’t you, Baby Girl?”

“Yes,” she says so softly that I can barely hear her, but there’s a wealth of emotion in that admission.

“You’re so wet, I could fuck your ass without doing much more than dragging it through your juices. You need my cock bad, don’t you, Baby?” I ask her, as a drizzle of precum drips from the tip of my cock onto her ass. My balls tighten with the need to paint her sweet ass in my cum.

“I do, Chains. God, I do, but you have to hurry.”

“What if I don’t want to hurry, Kayden? What if I want to take my time and fuck you so slow that you’ll think you are going to go insane before I finally let you come?”

“But, people… Chains, Jesus, stop toying with me.”

“You still don’t realize what I’m trying to teach you, Kayden,” I tell her, my gaze watching as I let my fingers travel lower to her soaked little cunt.

“What…” she moans, her ass thrusting back toward me as the lips of her pussy quiver against my fingers.


