The Broken Protector Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 138981 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 463(@300wpm)

Resting my chin on top of her head, I break the silence between us and say, “If you’re set on staying here, let me put some motion sensor lights in the yard. The prick who’s been creeping on you, peeking in your windows, he’s using the shadows to slink around and hide. He won’t expect a floodlight to the face. We can try to ID him that way, whoever the hell he is.” I stop and consider, then add, “And maybe you ought to get a dog.”

“A dog?” Delilah’s shoulders shake with laughter.

“Sure. A nice pup might help, having someone here to protect you who doesn’t piss you off so much.”

“You only piss me off a little. Lately.” She beams me a saucy smile, then touches her fingers to my nose. “You remind me of a dog, anyway. One of those big ones. Maybe a Norwegian Elkhound. Or a husky.”

Leaning in closer, pressing into that light touch of her finger, I drop my voice to a growl and look at her very seriously, letting a one-word growl build in my throat.


She doubles over laughing when I let it out.

“See? Right now you’re not annoying at all. You’re actually kind of cute.” Her fingers slip down to rest over my lips.

I never knew how sensitive a pair of lips could be till her touch ignited every last one of my nerve endings, electrifying my skin.

Her smile turns sly as she leans in closer and purrs, “Meow.”

Goddammit, I laugh, inadvertently kissing her skin.

“So are you saying we bicker like cats and dogs?”

“Something like that,” she teases softly—and the way she’s looking at me right now grabs me and holds on.

She’s a prickly one, all right.

All fire, but there’s a difference between heat and warmth.

That difference is in her eyes right now, turning those glimmering stars into constellations that feel like if I knew how to read them, they could point me straight to her heart like a navigator’s charts.

There’s a gravity between us.

No denying it.

If you’d asked me this morning, I’d have thought maybe it was just lust. Denied attraction exploding in charged arguments, then in that wildness that turned us into rutting animals giving in to our primal instincts.

You ask me now, with the air crackling and her fingers tracing the corner of my mouth and those starlit eyes watching me so intently, fuck.


The way my heart thrums right now sure as hell isn’t lust.

It’s the biting urge to kiss her so goddamned bad I could die.

Hilariously, she beats me to it.

That little hand drifts up, curling against my cheek, her thumb stroking the corner of my mouth, her eyes searching mine.

“You confuse me so much,” she whispers.

Then she stretches herself up and presses her lips to mine.

You’d never think a little whirlwind could kiss so softly, so sweetly.

I hold still, letting her do whatever she pleases, her lips moving against mine, her tongue searching as it teases me like mad.

It’s like she’s asking me not to fight with her tonight.

She’s telling me she doesn’t want to be alone.

Gently, I draw her closer, gathering up her hair against her sleek back, and slowly leaning into her kiss. Meeting her energy instead of clashing with it.

Fitting my mouth to hers, our lips part in this burning intimacy.

Fuck me, she’s like nectar.

Before, I had no time to savor her sweetness.

Now, I drink her in.

Now, I let myself feel everything that blew past me like lightning before.

She’s got a mouth like sinking into rich cream when I kiss her.

Her tongue is slow and shy, stroking mine, and when I twine my tongue with hers and tease her, flick her, she gives back a soft sound in the back of her throat, arching against me until her tits press against my chest.

Goddamn, woman.

Her body is all lush curves on the outside, but toned underneath.

I rake my fingers down her back, still tangled up in the silky wisps of her hair.

She really is a wildcat through and through.



Grace and sensuality in one firecracker package.

Her delicate weight in my lap is a goddamned torment.

Every time she moves against me, twisting to the rhythm of our slow kisses, she churns my blood.

In no time, there’s a hell of a lot more pressure between my lap and the undersides of her thighs.

Slowly, I curve one hand over her hip, spreading my fingers across the heavy swell of her ass.

I sink my fingers in till firm flesh gives in a way that makes me groan, that makes my cock jerk hard against my jeans.

Delilah responds with a moan, lifting herself against me.

Her hot, thick thighs quiver.

Just enough warning before she pushes herself up, moving over me, spreading those luscious thighs to straddle me without ever breaking our kiss.

“Fuck,” I rasp against her mouth—and I can’t help grinding up, thrusting against that hot place between her thighs. She’s already spread open for me, waiting, nothing but this damn fabric in my way. “You’re gonna drive me crazy, Lilah.”


