The Broken Protector Read Online Nicole Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 138981 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 695(@200wpm)___ 556(@250wpm)___ 463(@300wpm)

Catching her under the knees, I spread her open slowly, then lower my body to rest on hers till there’s no escaping just how much I eclipse her with the way she fits so snug against me.

It’s a fucking heady feeling, this closeness, teeming with desire.

Pleasure boils up my throat as I slide along the length of her, bringing us together in a mutual rush of gasping friction.


God fucking damn.

I could overpower her so easily.

Break her without a second thought.

Which makes it that much sweeter that she’s letting me, trusting me with every bit of her.

Soft thighs clenching against my waist.

Nimble, pleading fingers drag through my hair.

A stifled moan pours out when I switch to her other nipple, sucking hard, scratching her skin with my stubble, cupping her other breast until its fullness spills over my hand.

Not enough.

I need skin.

Growling, I drag the front of her tank top down, taking the cups of her bra with it. Her tits spill out in a ripple of full, swaying flesh that makes my mouth water with hunger.

A carnivorous hunger I satisfy by taking one dark-pink nipple back in my mouth, flicking and twisting and sucking and teething till she writhes against me helplessly.

I sate myself by sinking my fingers deep into the plush globe of her breast.

This woman’s a sensory feast, overwhelming me with the way it feels to touch her, to feel her against me, to hear her gasping my name and—fuck.


That scent, that soft mix of fruit and florals mingle with something musky and creamy and tart that just screams desire.

It’s a level of sexy that must be illegal in forty states.

“Lucas,” she whispers, her small nails biting into my scalp. “Stop. Stop teasing me.”

“You telling me this doesn’t feel good?” I drag my tongue over her nipple.

Delilah tosses her head to the side, her lips parted and gleaming.

“Or this?” I growl.

While she curses my name, I flick the button of her cutoffs open and flatten my hand against her belly.

Then I slide down, into the secret space between layers of fabric, molding over the lace of her panties as I skim down between her thighs.

When I press two fingers up, she curls forward, almost hugging me to her breast as she whimpers in my ear, giving me her answer with every breath.

I’m gonna love this woman even more when she begs.

She’s absolutely soaked, dripping all over my fingers as I rub slow, taunting circles over her drenched panties.

I press my lips in hot, open-mouthed kisses over her jaw and throat, adding teeth as I play with her flesh until her voice breaks.

Until she tenses.

Until her thighs clench against my sides and her hips buck up and my fingers are so fucking coated in her that I can feel it running over my skin.

I slow down, my fingers just barely resting against her.

“Still want me to stop?” I whisper.

She whimpers against my shoulder.

“No! I’m—I’m going fucking crazy,” she breathes. “Lucas, please.”

Damn her, I smile.

“Lucky you, darlin’. Won’t make you beg tonight—not much. I want this just as much as you do.”

It almost hurts to pull away from her, lifting myself off her and tugging my hand out of her shorts.

Only for a second.

Only long enough to fish around in my back pocket for my wallet, fumbling till I snag the condom tucked inside and drop the leather wallet on the bed.

In a flash, her shorts are gone, tossed on the floor.

She watches me with smoky eyes as I unzip my jeans, reaching up to touch my lips as a slow, mocking smile spreads over her lips.

“ you keep condoms in your wallet all the time?” she teases.

“A good cop is always prepared,” I answer.

Then it’s too hard to form words as I roll the condom over my cock, my mind centered on one thing.

The pressure torments my blood.

She’s got me so ready.

Hell, she’s got me on a string.

Just the slightest tug and I’m hers.

Don’t know how this prickly, wild woman got under my skin so deep, so fast, but I’ll be damned if I know how to fight it.

There’s no question she wants it just as bad, lying under me with her breasts bared and her legs spread with the blue lace of her panties soaked dark against her pussy.

Her fingers lace with mine as they curl around my cock.

A ragged, tortured growl rips out of me as she draws our laced hands fully down my shaft.


I didn’t know a man could get any harder than this.

My dick jerks in our grasp, pulsing like a second heart.

“Lucas,” she whispers again, longing and sweet, and I’m so fucking done for.

I sink down over her, capturing that pleading mouth with mine, taking over her mouth like I can mark her from the inside and leave my brand.

We’re already moving together, both of us shivering in perfect chaos.


