The Protector Read Online Free Books by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 138
Estimated words: 128980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 645(@200wpm)___ 516(@250wpm)___ 430(@300wpm)

The light wind stirs the leaves, the sunlight more obvious in this section of the dense woodland that backs onto my home. The carpet of bluebells surrounding me is vibrant and mesmerizing. Not unlike Camille. Her blue eyes are sparkling brightly, in wonder and awe, her slender body still but alive.

Taking one step forward, I tilt my head a little, trying to coax my body to relax, my hard muscles beginning to ache from tension. I’m not sure why I’m tense. She’s safe here. She can roam free on my land and putter around my home without me trailing ten paces behind her all the time. Yet that knowledge didn’t make it any easier to wait here for her to find me. I felt anxious, and the reason is deeper than a fear for her well-being.

As long as she’s away from my sight, the deep ache within me will never leave. I need to have her close by for my own selfish reasons. Because I feel incomplete when we’re apart.

Her flawless skin is glowing, the mounds of her small breasts pert and calling for me. She has a single red rose tucked behind her ear, just like I asked. She’s a vision of pure, exquisite beauty.

I go to her, loving the sight of her chest pulsing more visibly the closer I get, her eyes never straying from mine. I’ve never felt so alive. My heart has never pounded so hard. My cock has never longed for release so desperately. She’s mine for the whole of the night, all of my fears forgotten for now. Until tomorrow. Tomorrow I fix everything. Not just with her father, but with myself, too. And I’m praying that if Camille Logan doesn’t already know the extent of my feelings for her, she will after tonight. And she’ll forgive me for keeping so much from her.

She’s looking up at me, keeping quiet as I absorb her face, drinking in every tiny piece of her. “You found me,” I say, my voice unavoidably hoarse. I slide my palm onto her hip and round to her bum.

“I’ll always find you.” Cami’s voice is equally rough as she mimics my words, her hand coming up to rest on my heart. It fucking sings with happiness. “This place is beautiful.”

“It’s yours, too. Everything is yours.” I dip my head and capture her mouth, pulling her in closer to me. I don’t close my eyes, unwilling to sacrifice the striking vibrancy of her blues. I’m gentle, nibbling and pecking my way across her lips, and then plunging my tongue deep, swallowing down her groans. My cock is jerking, shouting at me to give it what it wants. But it’ll have to wait. I have other plans, and they don’t involve diving into her just yet.

Slowing our kiss, I gently pull away, having to be more forceful when Cami’s hand comes to the back of my head and tries to push me to her. “Patience, angel,” I murmur, smiling when she grumbles under her breath.

“You’re waiting here for me naked, and you’re asking me to be patient?” She sounds totally exasperated, and I love it.

I look down at her, my hand smoothing across her cheek. “I want to make this last.” Pushing her away until we’re completely disconnected, I point over her shoulder to where I’ve laid down a blanket in a small circular clearing.

Giving me a sideways, curious smile, she turns slowly to find what I’m pointing to. I hear the slight hitch of her breath. “A picnic?” she breathes, swinging back to face me, the loose strands of her hair whipping her face.

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I feel my cheeks heat. Am I blushing? “Yes, a picnic.” I move in and sweep her from her feet, my ears invaded by her surprised squeal. “I’m going to feed you, feel you, lick every inch of you, and then I’m going to make mad sweet love to you.”

Her hands cling around my shoulders, her face a picture of delight. “Are you blushing, Jake Sharp?”

“I don’t blush.” Let’s get that straight before she clings on and runs with it. “It’ll be you blushing soon.”

I drop to my knees, still with Cami draped across my arms, and find a clear space by the basket, which is loaded with champagne, strawberries, and cold meats. A picnic. In my bluebell woodland? Fuck me, who would have thought?

But I needed to take her off to a faraway land where no one and nothing could disturb us. And I need to show her how much she means to me.

Laying her gently on the blanket, I guide her arms to above her head, my eyes traveling the length of her long body stretched out before me. This might be more difficult than I thought. Every part of her is calling me, and my body is reacting, making it imperative that I lock down my focus and resist it. She’s not trying to make this hard for me. She’s just lying there, looking up at me as I fight the urge to take her breasts instead of the champagne. I rest on my haunches and pull the foil from the lid, glimpsing down at her every now and then to see where she’s focused. As suspected, each time, she’s skating greedy eyes across my torso, nibbling on her lip.


